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Inception : the establishment or starting of an institution or activity.

      I hated the fact my boys was been rasie in this environment. It's always some bullshit going on out here. For some reason it always seem hotter out here them anywhere else in Duval. Soon as I got in one sight of the park, my boys yelled. "Daddy!" They both ran full speed to me. My youngest son Ke'Ron jump in my arms, Ke'Vel hug me.

"I miss y'all!"

"We miss you too, dad!"

"Daddy where have you been? Where is uncle Pit? Can we go with you? What kind of shoes are you going to get us for school? You talk to J.R.? He said he coming over if you let him. Can he come over?" ask Ke'Ron.

This little boy had a 100 question and probably a 1,000 more.

"Son, I got everything under control! Trust me, and I just seen Pit he said tell my favorite nephews he love y'all! Who been over to the house to see y'all mother? I ask.

"Dad, nobody but her friends!"

"What friends girls or boys?" I respond with a serious face.

"Daddy, you already know girls," they said together.

Shay  is bisexual she love women just as much she love this dick. We never had a threesome. I always wanted one with her, but she would say,

"I am not there when you are fucking other bitches. Besides, I don't think I can watch you giving my dick away. You better change this conversation before I get mad boy."

Just as she suggest I change the subject and tell her how much she mean to me.

I told my boys we were going to walk around the corner to check on one of my homies in the hood. My big dawg JimBean this fool always got a dice game or card game at his spot. I figure I would kick the bobo with him to see what' s been popping in the hood. I don't really hang with these fools, my babymomma been out here for awhile and I have stayed with her from time to time. I am in such good spirit, I know I will win a couple dollars and give them to my boys. While walking through the P.J.'s I notice all type of bullshit. Bitches with dirty, nasty ass apartments with no furniture. These little nasty hoes would have the nervous to have their front and back door open, so everybody can see. Kids so dirty running around with no shoes on. Beer cans on every turn like flower pots. Trash takes up 85% of the grass. People hanging outside in their porch smoking weed, cigarettes, hustling anything that can be sold. The obvious ignorance disturb my soul. I know I constantly tell my boy,

"There is more to life then what they see in front of them! Always look pass the obvious sons!"

They agree with a " Yes,sir!"

I wonder if they really understood what's I am saying?

"Daddy, remember when you said you was going to move us out of here one day? " Kel ' Vel ask.

"Yes, son I remember! What did I tell you earlier? Let me do this I got you!"

"I know you got us, Dad! I wanted to tell you the other night me, momma and Ke' Ron had to get on the floor because somebody was shooting. And, the police always coming out here making everyone scared. I am not scared of the police, dad."Ke' Vel continue.

I just listen while he vent about the obvious. He was totally right, it's about time for them to get out this environment. What they dn't know is there is another struggle out there waiting on them.

I stop us before we reach JimBean place I looked them both in their eyes and told them .

"This a cold world sons, no matter where you go, no matter where you live there is adversity. You will always have some type of distress, or hardship because you are a black man. Alot, of people in this world Hate Black people because when God was creating Black people he used extra ingerdients. One speacial ingerdients he apply to our skin was call TEFLON.

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