Who is she?

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He looked back at me, a hurt expression on his face.
"Alena please let me explain" He said moving closer to me.
"Don't, Don't come any closer. Please" I said putting my hands up and backing up.
"Lena please" He begged.
Before he could say anything else I took off running away from him. I left the house and went into the woods. I shifted in mid air not caring that I destroyed my clothes. I ran and ran until I came to a river. I stopped and looked into the water to see that the fur under my eyes was wet from tears.
How can someone kill their own mate? There companion. I sat there thinking until I hear someone coming up behind me. I stood up and got into my attack stance to see it was Riley. I sat down and looked down. He could tell I was sad. He had clothes in his mouth for me and him.
"Shift" He instructed as he turned around.
I did and grabbed the clothes he dropped and put them on. I could smell Rykers sent on the clothes.
He shifted and put shorts on leaving himself shirtless. I sat by the river hanging my feet in the water. Riley sat down next to me doing the same.
"I don't understand how someone can kill their own mate" I said confused.
"You didn't get to hear the whole story Alena. You need to hear the whole thing to understand it." He explained.
"Can you tell me?" I ask
"It's not my place to tell you, Ryker will tell you when I get you back to the pack house." Riley said.
"Can we wait a little? I don't want to go back yet" I ask.
He nods as I put my head on his shoulder. We just sat there looking across the river not saying one word. I started to doze off on his shoulder.
"Lena we should head back now, it's getting dark and Ryker is freaking out at the house" Riley Explained.
I nod and put my arms out for him to carry me. He chuckled and picks me up. I wrap my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder as he walked back. Once I could see the house I saw Ryker sitting on the steps with his head in his hands. He looked up and saw us. He stood up and ran over to us. He tried to take me out of Riley's arms but I whimpered. Rykers smile faded into a frown. I held onto Riley tighter. I looked at Ryker afraid that he was gonna be mad that I left.
"Lena, I'm not gonna hurt you" Ryker explained looking at Riley.
Riley nodded and took me off of him and set me on the ground. I stood there looking at Ryker. Riley started to leave, I looked at him panicked.
"You will be fine, he's gonna explain everything" Riley explained and went inside.
I didn't look Ryker in the eyes.
"Lena look at me please" He whispered. I don't look at him.
"Alena." He said in his alpha voice.
I looked at him" don't use that voice on me"
He looked guilty"I'm sorry, will you listen to me?"
I nodded.
"Okay, so my first mates name was Niykee. She was an the nicer girl you would ever meet. Other than you obviously. Anyways, uh she and I were inseparable, one day she got upset and went for a run. When she came back something was different, she wasn't her happy and nice self. She was full of hatred and jealousy. I tried to figure out why she was like this but I couldn't figure it out. Until she got sick, really sick. She was put in to the hospital here at the pack house and they found out what made her so vile. Her blood had been turned into silver, which is dangerous for Wolves. She got sicker day by day, we couldn't fix her blood. Whenever we would put more blood into her it would turn into silver. What my brother said was true, I did kill her but it was because she was either gonna get taken off life support or die a painful death. So I decided to save her from pain and take her off life support." He said tears filling his eyes.
I looked at him with tears streaming down my face. I accused my mate of killing his mate. I'm a horrible person. I ran into his arms and hugged him, I felt something drop onto my shoulder. He was crying. A twig snapped from behind me and Ryker got in front of me. It's the same wolf from yesterday.
"Can you see him?" I ask Ryker.
"Don't move Lena, stay behind me" He whispered.
I grabbed onto his shoulder looking around him, there stood a wolf bigger than Ryker and me combined. There was something hanging from his mouth. It was a body. I gasped as he dropped it and ran back into the woods. I moved out from behind Ryker and walked towards it. I crouched down and hesitantly flipped the body over. Her chest was ripped open and she was bleeding badly. She was still breathing.
"Oh my god" I said quietly
"Oh my god, she's still alive Ryker she need to be taken to the infirmary!" I shouted.
He came running up behind me and picked her up taking her to the infirmary, me following behind him and we made it there.
"Someone help us, she needs help!" Ryker ordered.
A bunch of nurses came and put her on a bed taking her into surgery.
We waited till she came out of surgery, the whole time I was thinking about why this was happening. I started to doze off on Rykers shoulder when a nurse came out.
  "Alpha, Luna. Your friend is going to be alright. She is resting right now but you can come back tomorrow and talk to her if you'd like" She reassured us.
   I nod"Thank you" I smile tiredly
"Let's get you to bed sleepy head" Ryker chuckled.
   He stood up offering me a hand, I pulled my self up and jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist and putting my head in the crook of his neck. He chuckled and carried me back to the house. He walked through the front door.
   "Ryker where have you been!?" Someone shouted.
  "Shhhh, she's sleeping" he whispered to the mysterious person.
He trudged upstairs to our room, I smiled at the thought. "Our room". We, well he walked into our room and went to lay me down on the bed. I didn't let go of him so he fell ontop of me. He laughed.
"Lena, baby. You need to let go of me" He said in his husky voice.
I groaned and let go. Looking up at him I smiled.
"Can I shower?" I asked him.
He nodded and opened the door to the bathroom. I walked in and turned to water on so it would warm up. I stripped out of my clothes leaving me in my bra and panties. I looked for a brush and started to brush through my rats nest. Once I was done I took off my bra and panties and hopped into the shower, relaxing when the warm water hit my muscles. I looked down at the drain to see the dirt wash away from my body. I looked around the shower to find the shampoo and conditioner. It was all guy stuff, I eternally groaned. He won't mind. I took the shampoo and scrubbed my hair. Once I finished in the shower I got out and looked around for a towel. They aren't in here.... Shit. I walked over to the door and stuck my head out.
"How much do you love me?" I asked Ryker who was sitting on the bed.
"Depends, why?" He said jokingly.
"Can you hand me a towel?" I asked as his eyes started to dilate.
"Uh. Y-yea, give me a sec." He walked to his closet and grabbed a towel handing it to me.
He was struggling to stay in control. I could tell. I took it and shut the door. I dried off and put my old clothes on. I'll get new ones when I walk out. I left the bathroom and went to his closet. I opened it and saw a bunch of girl clothes. I instantly got jealous, whose were these?
"Um, Ry. Whose clothes are these" I asked jealously notable.
"Yours, I had my sister go get clothes in your size" He explained.
I smiled, awwwww.
"Thank you" I say grabbing a new bra, panties and pjs.
  I looked at Ryker and saw him making a bed on the floor.
  "Ry, what are you doing??" I asked
   "I'm gonna sleep on the floor, let you have your room." He explained hurt obvious in his voice.
  I crawled off the bed and layed down omg he floor.
"You're sleeping with me Ry" I informed him
  He chuckled which caused me to shiver. He picked me up and tossed me on the bed playfully. I giggled as he crawled on top of me and starts to pepper little kisses on my neck. I bit my lip up contain any noise.
  "Can I mark you?" He asked huskily.
The thought of him marking me scared me, do I want to spend the rest of my life a Luna? Do I want to be Rykers??
    "Hey, we don't have to. We can wait okay?" He asked sounding concerned.
  I shook my head 'no'. "You can mark me." I said.
  "This will hurt a little" he warned.
I knew what the feeling was like, Ryker isn't my first mate...
  I kissed where my collarbone was and found my soft spot as I moaned. He smirked and drug his canines across the spot. Then he bit me, I gasped feeling a pinch, the pain vanished and ecstasy appeared. I moaned and Ryker growled in approval. He licked the blood off and continued to kiss me. I could feel his excitement as he pressed his hips into mine. I gasped not wanting to mate yet. He removed his lips from mine and started to suck on my mark. I moaned as he began to move his hand down my stomach. I panicked..
  "Ryker, no" I said grabbing his hand but he growled and continued.
  I whimpered as his hand went down my pants. I tried to move but he was pinning me.
  "Ryker, please stop." I sobbed.
I heard his breathing hitch as he removed his hand and jumped off me not facing me.
  He was trying to get back in control, that was his wolves actions I kept telling myself. I felt tears run down my cheeks, I was afraid...
  "Ry?" My voice cracked.
"I'm sorry Lena.." Ryker said still having his back towards me.
  I got up off the bed and walked up to him cautiously. I run my fingers lightly across the scars on his back. Whip marks?

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