Meow Meow Meow (Tayredith)
Hola. Dis iz ma supa swaggy fanfic about Tayla SWeeft and her cat meredith bc dey r in luv. Dis waz inspyred buy da eva so luvely @jumpthenswift on instagram
Chapter One (Meredith's POV:)
Hye. Mi nayme iz meredith sweeft and I am da kat and l0ng tyme luver of tahyler sweeft. Shez vary smexy and hawt. Rite now she iz sleeping, shez soz cyute wen she sleeps.
I waltzed into tayz bedroom, my tail iz perked up hi in da air. "Meow meow meow." I tryz 2 make herr geht uP. She doeznt wake up doe. "Meow meow meow meow." I tryz agin. Sheh STILL doeznt geht uP. "meow meow hiss." cum on taylhur!1!!1! "HISS!" I tryz 1 last tyme. "Goodmorning Mere." Tay finally sayz. "meow." I zay bak hapily. I kizz her on da cheek and den on da lipz. I lick ova her smooth lipz. Butt b4 I gotz 2 Carried awaiy wit her scrumptious lipz, she lifz me off of her. "Come on baby, let's go get breakfast. I'll make your favorite, cat food flakes and warm milk."
"meow" I th4nk her 4 da gud food den go to uze da litter box. 2day iz going 2 b a long day. i nosez becaz i liv evry day lik dis.