[Chapter 2]

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       "You took quite a hit didn't you?" The nurse said as she gave you a bag filled with ice and paper to keep up your nose. That was the only thing the nurse could do. The nurses could only take temperatures, call parents, give band-aids and bags full of ice.
"It's not broken is it?" Armin questioned with sincerity and a bit of eagerness in his tone.
"I don't believe so." She answered, Armin giving a slightly audible sigh, "Would you like me to contact your parents?" She asked you. You shook your head no, hating how incredibly awkward it would be speaking to your mother aloud in front of everyone about how you got hit in the face with a basketball.
"I'll give you two a pass back to class." The nurse stated, directing it towards Armin and Sasha. "And as for you, you're allowed to stay longer if you'd like." She told you as you shook your head no once more. Armin and Sasha took a seat beside you and you didn't even take a glance at them, you just stared at your feet.
"Hey, sorry again, Y/N." The blond said, whispering slightly with his back hunched and head tilted to try and catch eyes with you.
"Yeah, me too. I should've jumped to get the stinkin' ball!" Sasha chuckled. You let strands of your H/C hair brushed onto your cheeks and blanketed your eyes. (If you have bangs)
The nurse stood over her desk as the pen swirled around, the nurse scrawling her signature and the class period onto the pieces of white paper.
"You're all set, have a wonderful day." He smiled as she held out the paper, you went to grab it but Armin got to it first, your fingertips grazed along his knuckles and your cheeks hued pink in the slightest.
"Sorry." You whispered with your head down. You noticed Sasha smirk as you glanced at her, she walked very close to you on the way out and let Armin walk ahead.
"Hey, Y/N is it?" Sasha asked with her hands tucked in her pockets, you looked at her and nodded slowly, "I know your secret." She giggled, your stomach churned. What secret? Which secret? You had so many but how could one get out? You don't talk to anyone and nobody talks to you. Your heart picked up its speed a smidge.
"You like Armin." She finally spoke, your stomach dropped and your hands became clammy. You took a deep breath and attempted to say in all seriousness
"Of course not." You replied in your usual quiet tone.
"I know you do! I've been watching the way you look at him and how you act around him- and I think he likes you too. Im not sure though... He kind of acts the same way you act around him- other than the quiet stuff and all. I could find out for you if you'd like." She said as he lips curved into a smirk once more.
You parted your lips and paused for a moment, "I couldn't ask you to do that."
"But you don't have to ask! I volunteer. And I promise I won't tell anyone, pinky promise!" She swore as she held out her pinky finger. You stared at it as she stared at you, "Oh c'mon." She sighed, you still just stared. "Well that's okay, but I still promise! I cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye!" She exclaimed, catching Armin's attention. The blond turned his head and stopped, waiting for the two of you to catch up.
"What're you guys talkin' about?" He questioned.
"Ohhh nothing." She giggled.
Armin hummed, "Seems suspicious, you two planning a murder or something?" He laughed along with Sasha.
"No, no, nothing like that. I can't tell you." She responded.
"And why not?"
"Sorry no time, gotta go!" She said as she split ways onto the other walkway with a wave. You and Armin both turned and waited for her footsteps to fade before the boy looked at you and spoke, "What
/were/ you two talking about?"
You sensed a bit of hesitancy in his voice- which was slightly higher than an average boy's his age- as he asked.
"Why?" You asked, your voice soft and quiet as usual.
"It seemed kinda suspicious to me," he shrugged, "I dunno. I was just wondering." He said. He went silent for a moment or two before switching the subject, "So about that project for Mr.Ackerman...Eren decided to work with someone else and I was wondering if you'd be my partner?"
He asked with anticipation in his big blue eyes. However, You felt a bit hurt that you were second choice; you've been second choice before- Heck, you've been last choice plenty of times! But it was different with Armin. You didn't want to be any choice but first.
"I-Yeah, Sure." You sighed, crossing your arms loosely. You came upon the first classroom door in the hallway and Armin paused his steps, "this is my next class.. I think. See you."

"Yeah." You replied sheepishly, turning and beginning to walk forward again- but this time very swiftly. Armin watched and let out a chuckle, "What a girl- Oh! Wait Y/N!" He exclaimed throughout the hallway much louder than he should have.
"I forgot... to get her number for the homework..." he said to himself, this time much quieter before walking into class with a huff.

   The end of the day soon came, everyone swarming out of every classroom throughout the hallway and out the double doors. You were shoved and pushed around as always, dropping your sketchbook onto the tile floor in the middle of an ocean of peers. You kneeled down in attempt to retrieve it, but it was just kicked around under everyone's heels as the loose sheets of paper poured out of the book.
"Shit." You hissed, You continued to follow it and tried your best to not lose it but you were tripped; but not intentionally. You collapsed onto your knees and stayed with your back hunched over and you head down as everyone's bags hit- not to mention all the kicking, you let out vague whines each time. Although this unfortunate event was occurring, you were just really worried about that sketchbook. Oh god, what if someone picks it up and shows everyone? You cannot let your sketches be shown around-- your signature is on all of them! Everyone will know it's yours!
And... you kind of have a lot of smut in there.
Before you knew it, the hallway cleared and you were left in the middle, not moving a muscle. Soon, You felt a tap on your shoulder followed by an accustomed voice.
"Y/N?" Armin said with a silk voice and a hint of pity, "oh my god, are you alright?" He gasped, resting his palm atop your back. You dared to lift you head and spotted the leather book in his other hand's grasp- "My sketchbook.." you whispered. The blond's ears perked up,
"Your sketchbook? Is this yours?" He asked, "I saw it being kicked around and picked it up.. I was gonna see if it belonged to someone in one of my classes tomorrow." He finished as he kneeled down beside you and set the book beneath you. "Here," he said as he offered his assistance, holding out his hand. You went stiff, you were debating at this very moment whether you should take the help or not. Within those few seconds of bickering with your mind, (which seemed much longer) you declined his aid. You rested your hand on your knee with a soft groan along with your sketchbook in the other as you stood in a bit of a wobbly manner. Armin's expression changed rapidly. He had slight hurt and the feeling as if he did something erroneous written all over his pale face, but he didn't apologize this time around. You squished your sketchbook against your chest as if it was a teddy bear as you and the blond stared at one and other. you hoped that the pages that had slipped out were in there.
"Thank you.." you managed to squeak out. Armin tilted his head,
"what was that?"

"I said thank you." You said finally and  distinctly.

Armin's eyes widened, "That's the loudest I've heard you talk since we met," He chuckled, "Guess Im doing something right, huh?" He smiled. The smile looked so genuine and he looked so... so sated, so content. It was odd to you. All you did was say a few words, was it really a big deal?
"Im gonna go." You said back in your normal tone, beginning to walk past the male. Your shoulders brushed and you heard Armin's light gasp along with a sudden grip around your wrist.
"Hey! I didn't catch your number-"
You stared, baffled.
"- for the project-type- thingy in Mr.A's,"
It must've taken you a few seconds too long to reply before he began again, "Or I could give you mine if you're not comfortable with that!" The blond added. You reached into your back pocket and pulled out your phone silently, handing it to him.
"Do...you want me to write down your number or make myself a contact?" He asked.
"Um- a contact is alright." You said, Armin nodding his head and brushing a piece of hair out of his face. You watched his fingers tap along the numbers on the keyboard in within seconds he was finished.
"Here," He handed back your cellphone, "When are you free? I'm free anytime this week except for Sunday. Sunday is church day with my grandpa."
You lifted a brow mockingly.
"Wait a minute, wait a minute, im not one of those holy-rollers, Alright? Between you and me, I'd rather be doing other things. I just do it for my grandpa because he gets lonely and I try to spend as much time with his as I can because... he's not exactly young, know what I mean?"
You replied with a short nod, "I'm Uh.. free all week I guess. " you shrugged.
"Is tomorrow alright? I wouldn't wanna bombard you today. I figure you'd want some alone time after this /long/ day you've probably had." He smiled sweetly, "I'll see you around." He finished as he made his way out of the exit. You stood in the empty hallway and watched him walk down the sidewalk.
"I've never been this excited since (Family member) moved out of my room."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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