Chapter 8: Coming Home!

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Natalie's POV

"You're Fairy Tail's Next Generation."

"I mean, without you guys, me and Natalie would be goners." Jordan continued. I smile and turn to my fellow guild mates. "She's right. If it weren't for you guys coming in to save the day, me and Jordan could have gotten seriously hurt." I say, putting my arm around Jordan. "Well, you guys needed help. So we came to help. It wasn't anything big or anything." Bella says, smiling. I chuckle lightly. She always knows how to make us happy. "Wow. Great grammar, Pyro..." Saili mumbles. "It wasn't BIG OR ANYTHING?? You guys did AMAZING!" Jordan jumps up and down. She can be such a little kid sometimes. *sigh* Like father, like daughter. "Umm, I have one question though..." Amelia pauses and looks at Jordan. "Why do you have wolf ears and a tail? And why do you STILL have wolf ears and a tail??" Amelia finishes. "Ummm, well I have Take Over Magic...Animal Soul to be specific...hehehe...guess I didn't tell you guys..." Jordan answers, awkwardly looking at her feet. "So you have the same kind of magic as Kayla?" I ask. Jordan nods. "Well that's really cool!" Kayla says enthusiastically. "Yeah, that's pretty awesome. But you still didn't answer why your wolf ears and tail are still here. Shouldn't they have disappeared by now?" Saili asks. "Well, to be honest, I don't know. This is really the first time I've used my Take Over in a fight. But yeah. It should've gone away by now." Jordan says. Well that's weird. Take Over normally needs the user to be using magic to keep the Take Over working. If she's not using magic to keep the Take Over from disappearing, then why is it still here? "I have one more question: WHY IS BELLA STILL IN HER FLIGHT ARMOR?!" Amelia yells/asks. "Ummmm...I don't really know? I've been trying to Requip back into my normal clothes, but it's not working." Bella says, a drop of sweat rolling down the side of her face. "Well anyway, we should head back to our client. Lucas, I think. We'll get our reward and start heading back to Fairy Tail." Crystal says, walking towards the building we met Lucas at.

"Ya! Let's go! I'm so excited to get that jewel!" Bella says. "I can use it to go get food!" She continues. She then skips after Crystal. I facepalm, and so does everyone else. "She always finds SOME kind of excuse to get food, huh?" Jordan says. We all nod disappointingly, and we follow after them. But I can't blame her. I'm just as excited to get that jewel as she is. Then we get to go back home! "Ow!" I turn around and see Jordan holding her sides. "You okay?" Tabitha asks. "Yeah...*pant* I'm fine- Agh!" Jordan yelps in pain as she touches her right shoulder. "*pant* I'm not *yelps* surprised that I'm beat up...that Basilisk was tougher than I thought." Jordan says, limping after us. "Yeah. We're a little beat up, too." I say, looking at my scratches and bruises. Well I'm gonna be feeling that for a few days. "Well, if we wanna get better soon, we should get our reward and get home." Kayla says, walking toward that circular building we met at earlier. "Right." The rest of us say, and we head toward the building. Can't wait to get home.

Amelia's POV

I hiss as I touch a cut on my arm. Welp! Dad's not gonna be happy about that... "We're here!" I hear Fire Face yell. "Could you keep it down?" I say. "You wanna fight, Iron Head?!" She walks up to me. "Let's go, you Fiery Mouth Breather!" I yell back. Then, Crystal comes up to us and punches us BOTH in the face at the same time. "Focus!" She says. "Guys! In here!" Kayla says, motioning us inside. "Yah! Let's go!" Bella says, running inside. Typical Bella. Tch. Crazy fire breathing Salamander. Geez. I walk into the circular building we met that guy Lucas at and low and behold, there he was, standing there with a HUGE bag. "I presume that's our reward." Crystal says. "Indeed it is, young lady." Lucas says, handing her the bag. "Thanks to you girls, the people of this village can now return home safely knowing that those terrible, terrible monsters have been defeated." He bows several times saying, "We are in your debt." I walk closer. "It was no problem. We were glad to help." I say, smiling a bit. "Are you sure you ladies are okay? We have a village doctor. They could help you with your injuries."

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