stay with me

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It was a quiet and peaceful night on the Destiny's Bounty. All the ninja were sleeping soundly in their beds. All except for one. The ninja of lightning was tossing and turning in his bed, making sounds of discomfort. Ever since he had defeated Nadakhan, Jay was having nightmares about what happened with Nya on that day.

He remembered seeing her chest splattered with the Tiger Widow venom and hearing her call out his name weakly from her sweet lips. He remembered holding her, tears watering in his eyes as he saw her life quickly fading away before letting out her final words.
I guess it's true...the greatest love stories... do always end in tragedy.

Then she was gone.

Jay woke up, his heartbeat erratic, sweat running down his forehead. He was breathing heavily as he looked around the room. Kai, Zane, Cole, and Lloyd were all sleeping in their beds peacefully. Jay sat up from his bed and placed his hands on his head.

"Damnit...Why do I keep dreaming of THAT?! What's wrong with me?" Jay whispered to himself.

Those events were practically plaguing the man's brain.He decided to clear his mind and get some fresh air.
Tiptoeing across the wooden floor, Jay made his way towards the door and quietly opened it. Making his way towards the outside deck of the flying ship, he stopped and rested on the fencing. The wind was flowing through his short auburn hair. Jay stared off into the clear starry night sky.

"Why the heck am I still thinking about THAT? She's safe and alive. Nadakhan's gone too." the ninja of lightning sighed as he rested his cheek on his palm.

Just as he was about to head back to the ninja's sleeping quarters, he heard soft footsteps coming his way.

"Jay? Is that you? What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" a lovely voice whispered out to him. It was Nya.
She was dressed in a light blue night gown, hugging her frame perfectly. The moonlight made her look even more beautiful as it shone on her milky white skin. His cheeks turned a bright red, his heart thumping nervously.

"O-oh! Hey Nya! I'm just out here,y'know, just practicing Spinjitzu and stuff!" Jay replied to her with his usual cheery voice.

Nya raised her eyebrows as she made her way towards Jay, her hips moving in an alluring way. She looked into his cerulean blue eyes with her own chocolate brown eyes filled with worry and caring.

"Jay, there's no way you've been practicing outside this late, in your pajamas at that too." Nya murmured as she placed a soft hand on his shoulder.

Jay remained quiet.

"Not only that, but Kai and the boys have been telling me how you've been sneaking out and coming out here." the master of water continued.

What?! I thought they were sleeping!Jay groaned internally.

"Jay, please tell me what's wrong. You aren't acting like your usual self and you're worrying me." Nya's hand moved down to his own, holding it.

Then it all came crashing down on him. He couldn't hold in the feelings anymore. It was suffocating him. Without even realizing, Jay grabbed her and held Nya.
"J-Jay..?" Nya gasped as he wrapped his arms around her body, shaking slightly.
A tear rolled down his cheek and onto her. Just like on that day. He gripped her a little tighter as a light blue strap slid off her shoulder.

"Please! D-don't leave me again. I can't lose you again! I promise I'll protect you better! I-I'm a man of my word! I-" his distressed rambling was cut off as a pair of soft lips placed themselves onto his own.

Jay felt his stress melt away as he returned the kiss back. He gave a lick to her cherry red lips, desperate for entrance. Nya let him in without hesitation as she quietly moaned. Jay had no idea how much he needed this. To hold the love of his life like this, kissing her with passion and desperation. To top all of that relieved that she was safe and sound and here with him. He felt her wrap her arms wrap around his neck, pulling him even deeper into the kiss. Her soft breasts also pressed against his chest as she sighed with pleasure. Jay felt heat bubbling inside him, pressuring to keep going. Eventually, the two pulled away due to the lack of oxygen. The couple gasped for air, cheeks red as they looked into each other's eyes. "Nya..." Jay whispered as she rested her head on the crook of his neck as her soft black hair tickled his skin lightly.

"You've been having nightmares,haven't you? It's okay, Jay. I'm here and Nadakhan is gone forever. I love you so much." Nya murmured sweetly.
Jay smiled brightly as he held her.

"Thanks, Nya. I love you too." he sighed dreamily.

The duo remained in each other's arms for a few more minutes as the wind gently blew.
"Hey, Jay. Why don't we head back to my room?" Nya whispered into his ear.

Jay felt his face heat up again as his he stuttered out a "Sure!" The couple made their way back inside the ship and to Nya's quarters.

Jay knew that he wouldn't get nightmares again.

(A/N: thank you for reading this! Jaya is so cute~
well,have a nice day!)

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