my hero

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It was morning. An early morning. Around 6:00. A certain padawan was on top of the ship, laying down and reaching his hands into the sky. He would never, EVER, tell anyone he did this, but it calmed him after something bad has happened. And a lot of bad things had happened.

Ezra let his hands fall so he was just laying down with his knees up, looking at the sky. He never heard him, being way to focused on the clouds, but Kanan had come up and sat next to the kid.

"May I join you?" Kanan asked as he walked over.

Ezra was very jumpy, he startled and flinched a little but then relaxed when he saw Kanan. "Sure." Was all he said.

Kanan may not be able to see through his eyes anymore, but he didn't miss the flinch. He wanted to make things better for Ezra but he didn't know how.

"Hey Ez? Would you be able to tell me what the sky looks like?" Kanan asked his padawan, trying to start up a conversation.

Ezra looked sad before he looked up and started telling Kanan, "the sun is just rising, the sky is a mix of colors. Red, orange, yellow, even blue and purple..."

Ezra trailed on telling him about all the colors and Kanan just relaxed, listen to the voice of the young kid he loved so much.

"Kanan? Kanan! KANAN!"

He jerked a little at the sound of Ezra's frantic voice next to him. He must have zoned out or something.

"Yeah I'm here." He said. He looked over to Ezra thoughtfully, "Hey Ezra I want to tell you a story."

"A story?"

"Yeah, a story. A time when there were millions of jedi's, on all different planets."

"Really!?" Ezra said excitedly. Kanan chuckled and felt the boy slid a little closer.

"It is a story of me and my master, she and I were on a mission. Something had gone wrong and the ship we were on exploded."

Ezra gasped. He knew Kanan was strong though and nothing happened to him. I mean he is sitting here next to him right now.

"I was hit in the head with a beam and knocked to the ground. I struggled to get up but I couldn't with an obvious concussion. I was stuck there laying on the ground. My comm was crushed so I had no help coming. Or so I thought."

Ezra sat listening closely to every word his master was saying. And Kanan noticed he was closer to him then when he had first started telling the tale.

"Soon my master came running in and used the force to lift the beam off my back that had fallen on my after it hit my head. She helped me stand and took a lot of my weight. She and I walked out of there alive. A little beaten but alive. And I have her to thank for that. She is my hero."

"Wow Kanan."

"I want you to learn from that though. We may be a little beaten a little broken from Malacore, but we are still here. We can still fight."

Ezra sat there for a second before responding. "I know Kanan. It's just hard to wrap my head around. I never thought anything this bad would happen."

Kanan looked in Ezra's direction. He smiled. "I know Ez, I really do, but we risk everything and sometimes things happen and sometimes things dont. This time they did and it hit us hard. We took a big hit. But we can work with it, we can work around it, we always do. Things will look up, they always do."

Ezra sighed. "You know I wish your master was still with you."

Kanan looked over at Ezra surprised. "Why would you wish that?"

"You seemed so happy with her. So involved, and now your looking after a band of misfits who fight and run for their lives everyday!"

"Yeah well this band of misfits are my band of misfits. Their my family. They were the ones who took me in when I had no where else to go. Yeah we fight a lot and run a lot, but I did that before too. I wouldn't trade anything for that back. I love my life now. I love you guys."

"So you would rather look after me then have all the jedi back?" Ezra asked. Kanan couldn't believe the words that just left his padawan's mouth.

"Never. I love you! I would never trade you for anything! I need you. The world needs you. The crew needs you. Ezra I wouldn't trade you for the world!"

Ezra was in pure shock he hadn't expected that to be his answer. But he soon smiled and leaned into Kanan.

"Thank you Kanan. I love you too."

Kanan smiled, wrapped his arms around the smaller figure, and placed a small kiss on the top of his head. He rested his head on the younger one.

"We'll get through this Ezra. We will." He whispered the words so Ezra was the only one who heard him.

Guys! Guess who's back!? Me! I'm so sorry! It's been like months! And I really appreciate the people who have stayed with me and love my story's and the new people who are just binge reading and commenting and voting, it really makes my day! Thank you all!

I'm sorry I have been away for so long but, I'm in a new house right now and it's stressful! Very very stressful! I have to look after my sisters a lot and ever though I love them, they can be a pain sometimes, but what sibling isn't.

Also I'm starting at a whole new school for my last year of middle school. I'm going to Hannah Beardsley so if you guys read my stories and go there plz message me! I would like to meet some people that go there and I can also thank you in person for reading my books!

So that's the main reason why I haven't been on and all your comments and suggestions have kept me going so thank you!

I have been needing another Ezra and Kanan heart to heart moment for so long and this finally happened!!

I hope you like it and sorry for all the mistakes! Plz vote, comment, and follow!

This is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!!

P.s if you have watched some of my youtube vids, could you plz give me some feedback on them? Thanks!

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