Chapter 18

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"Stop!" Elizabeth cries.

Liam started to leap. When he was up in the air, Mason was up in the air as well. Mason tackles him back down on the roof.

"I can see you came back for revenge!" Liam spat.

"Get out of my friend's body now!" Dawn demands using Mason's body.

I can see a astral knife appearing in Mason's hand. "Die!" He screams whilst he astrally stabs Liam chest repeatedly. Jeez, Dawn or Mason has gotten one heck of a temper.

"Coward, is that all you can do with a knife?" Liam spat and broke into laughter.

"Shut up!" Dawn spat within Mason and astrally stabs Liam again. Liam broke into serious laughter again.

"No! No! I am dying!" Liam suddenly says whilst dark aura fades from his body. Liam's eyes become close and relaxed. The damage is done.

-Mason's Pov-

I felt a brush of force as Dawn leaves my body. Liam wakes up seemingly confused.

"W..where the hell am I?" He asks.

"A glass skyscraper, entities got to ya'." Dawn explains. "We took care of him."

"I hate when negative entities give me time lapse or put me to sleep." Liam sighs. "I am so happy that I woke up!"

"Anyways, want to go down the quicker way or the hard way?" Avery asks.

"I ain't using those stairs again, there's no elevator." Elizabeth comes in.

"Hang on, Eliza!" Avery says while going inside Eliza's body. Ella hops into Mielie's body even though she didn't ask.

"Finally, I am aware Ella possessing me." Mielie brushes off in relief.

"I guess we've have to use the stairs then." Nina groans.

Jereck, Nina, and Liam goes back to the dispatch. They enter and Jereck, the last one behind, shuts it.

"Want to go daredevil?" I asked Dawn right out loud.

"As long you don't scream like a banshee or act like a idiotic coward again." Dawn replies using my mouth.

I ran to the edge of the rooftop and jumped off. Elizabeth and Mielie jumped off the roof after me.

I hold my breath as I look down. We were way up high. If you have a phobia for heights, don't try this. Well, kids and daring teens, don't try this at home. You never hear the end of it with your parents.

I land on my feet. Oh my goodness, I was alive! Thank you, Dawn!

Elizabeth and Mielie landed right beside me. Next, a cop came around the corner with the red and blue flashlights on.

"Shoot!" Elizabeth blurts out.

"Hey, Mason, Dawn, Eliza, and Ella, watch this!" Avery says within Mielie then turns to the cop car.

Next, the lights on top of the police car turns off and the car stalls. We get into the dark shadows of the building, so the police officer doesn't see us. The police officer was a bit chubby and he was familiar to the officer that Drake, Austin, and I almost got caught whilst in the woods on 'that' night.

Avery uses her power of the paranormal to cause a cold draft onto the officer. I can tell he his getting creeped out by this.

Avery leaves Mielie's body. "Stay put, " says Avery. Mielie nodded. Avery goes in front of the police car like two meters away and vanishing as quickly as she appeared.

The police officer rush back into his car. He tries to turn the police car back on, but it won't. Avery jammed its systems pretty good.

Avery appears right in front of the officer with her head down and eyes rolled back into her head. The officer didn't even dare to get out.

Avery walked closer and closer. Officer was hurrying up to start the car, still, he couldn't. The chubby officer was now in panick mode. He laid back into his seat shaking as Avery walks in front of him.

She looks up staring at him with two frightening white eyes. He was whimpering and I was trying not to giggle. Avery had a smirk of an evil plot up her sleeve.

Avery walk through the police car going closer to the windshield. Then she stopped when she was near the windshield. Officer was now shaking in horror of the sight of Avery.

She tapped on the hood of the police car. It started to shake, the alarm was going off, even the police lights were flashing. The police screamed. He tried to turn the police car and it roared to life.

He put the police car in reverse and drove away from this street. We waited until he was clearly gone before we can burst out our laughter.

"What a blast!" I shout and laughed again.

"Seriously, that was just another thing I can do." Avery replies whilst smiling.

"Zap someone to death?" I replied.

"Pretty much, I can catch his police car on fire." Said Avery.

"Oh," I stopped laughing and become creeped out. "That will definitely cause suspicion."

I squinted as another vision came up. I can see Drake's little sister playing ouija board. Next, I can see darkness around a male with mask holding a knife. He looked like a serial killer that was here centuries ago. Drake's little sister, Sally, on the bed shaking in fear whilst Drake is cuddling her. This looks like one heck of a traumatizing experience.

The vision had stopped, I pant. Everyone was staring at me. Jereck, Nina, and Liam came around the corner.

"What's happening?" Liam asks.

"Mason's friend is being attacked by a spirit!" Dawn speaks through me.

Oh no! This can't be happening!

"'Kay, Mason or Dawn, where does this 'Drake' lives on?" Liam asks.

"Follow me!" Dawn says whilst using my voice and we started to run back onto the road. The traffic was like dead in the city.

"Were you the one who showed me a vision?" I asked Dawn telepathically.

"No, I just pick that up on my mind radar." Dawn replies. "Want me to take over you?"

"If you want," I replied.

I felt another force overcoming my body. I relaxed as Dawn runs for me. I am still aware of it and I know where she is going. The Astral Assassins folks were right behind me. Drake, Sally; we are coming for you.

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