Scarlet & the Kid

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Scarlet took a sip of her hot, strong espresso and sighed in appreciation as the caffeine swirled into her bloodstream. She and Herb were relaxing at The Goings On, a coffee bar on Archer Street in Soho. After running a few errands, they'd decided to check out that Saturday afternoon's featured beat poet and enjoy some of the best Italian coffee London had to offer.

Patrons occupied every table while additional customers stood and sipped their colas or coffees. Smoke rings hung in the air, lending the bar a touch of bohemian atmosphere. Wait staff darted about, taking orders and serving up drinks. It was a packed house.

Herb listened attentively, but the poet was droning on a little too long for her taste, so she switched to people watching instead. Sipping her drink, her gaze flicked to a figure drifting from table to table.

The female figure was sleight of build—either a tall kid or a short teenager. She had dark hair and wore a loose blouse and pants. Scarlet peered closely. Strange. Her stick-thin arms were at odds with her bulky clothes. She clearly wasn't an employee and seemed to be here alone.

Before Scarlet took her next breath, the young girl reached into the jacket pocket of a nearby customer and withdrew his wallet. Then she stuck the stolen merchandise into her shirt. Ah. So that explained her ill-fitting clothes.

The girl continued to slink around the coffee bar. Sometimes she pretended to watch the poet on the small stage, but mostly the little pickpocket scoured the crowd for her next victim.

Scarlet knew the routine because she'd done the same thing in her youth—many times. She also recognized the signs of a caper about to go south. The girl was getting greedy. Overconfident in her abilities. If she kept at it much longer, the odds would start to turn against her. Leave now, kid, if you know what's good for you.

But no, she persisted in her quest, one that apparently involved stealing from every customer present.

Scarlet nudged Herb's arm, then subtly directed his attention to the young thief to keep him on alert. His wife's vigilance was the only thing preventing them from being another target.

The next time the petty thief attempted to infiltrate a woman's purse, a coffee bar employee grabbed her wrist.

"Hey!" he scolded. "What do you think you're doing?"

The employee dragged the girl with him over to the main counter. As he did so, some of her loot spilled from its hiding place. "Trying to fleece my customers, eh?" He frowned at her in disgust, and then turned to a co-worker. "Call the police," he ordered.

"No!" the girl cried. "Don't turn me in, please don't! I just needed money for food."

As the drama unfolded before her, Scarlet tsked and shook her head. "Amateur."

Herb added more sugar to his third cup of espresso and stirred it with a tiny spoon. "Mmm, I dunno...maybe cut her some slack? She's just a kid."

Now it was Scarlet's turn to frown. "Why? No one ever cut me any slack. I was never that ignorant about the business. Or that sloppy." She rolled her eyes and took another sip of espresso.

"All the more reason to show her history doesn't have to repeat itself. Why didn't you take her aside and give her a few pointers? Might have prevented her from being caught."

She jabbed her index finger against the table. Kept her voice low. "This is a cutthroat field. If she can't prove herself worthy on her own, then she has no business being a thief."

His brows furrowed. "Have a heart, babe."

Scarlet shot him a look. "You know what happened to my heart. The Void took possession of it."

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