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You knew some people in your class were having aparty, but since you were kind of an outsider you didn't expect to get invited. So it was kind of surprising when Orihime Inoue, your classmate, who you thought of as a very good and kind person and you wanted to be her friend, came up to you and asked: "Hey, _____(your name)! Are you coming today?"

"Me?" you answered, almost shocked, "I don't know..." Orihime smiled and said: "Of course you're coming. Be at Urahara's shop at seven! :-D"

Orihime laughed and ran away to talk to Ichigo. You wondered why the hell they were having a party in a candy-selling shop, but decided that it didn't matter.


You were taking a walk outside, when suddenly you heard a child crying. You looked that way and saw a small girl who looked lost. Since you were such a nice person, you went over and asked her what happened. She started explaining how there were so many, many cars and then suddenly she was in the middle of them all and then.....

*You were thinking: "Wait, did she just say that she's dead???? That doesn't make sense!" *

But nonetheless, you tried to comfort her and said that everything would be alright, when some other person walked down the street and asked you who you were talking to.

*You thought: "He can't see her? What's happening to me! Am I hallucinating?"*

When the man was gone, you started thinking that maybe some supernatural things really existed, as you had been hoping ever since you could remember.

But suddenly, a loud noise disturbed you. You turned around and saw the most frightening monster you could imagine, huge, hovering above you and opening its mouth, showing HUGE sharp teeth. You shut your eyes, curled into a ball and screamed. But just as you thought you were going to die, you heard a strange noise, like a sword going fast through the air, and when you opened your eyes the monster was gone. Instead, you were looking at the face of a shocked and angry Ichigo, your classmate from school!!!

He shouted: "_____!!! Why didn't you tell us that you could see Hollows too?"

"What are Hollows?! And where is the little girl?!" you asked.

Ichigo frowned: "And you can see spirits, too! ... Oh,... she's gonna be alright."

But now, you were starting to panic, and tears were running down your face. You said: "I don't know what's happening, what that monster, or Hollow-something was, and also what YOU are doing here, dressed that way, and why I'm not dead, and,... and..."

You broke down, sobbing hard. But then you heard Ichigo say: "Oh, sorry _____, I should have explained right away."

So then he told you everything about the Soul Society, Soulreapers, Hollows, Arrancars, and also Quincies and Orihime and Chad.

Then he said: "Some of the Soulreapers are gonna be at the party too! ...Youarestill coming to the party at Urahara's, right? You know, he's actually a Soulreaper too!"

You were kind of shocked from all of this, but curiosity won over, because you were dying to see with your own eyes that hoping for something magical to happen all your life was not a waste. So you said goodbye to Ichigo, went home and got ready for the party.


When you arrived, a happy looking Orihime hugged you at the front door and said: "Wow, _____, Ichigo just told us what happened! Are you alright? I knew there was something more to you, you know? That's why I wanted to be your friend! Come on, I need to introduce you to everyone!"

You met some really amazing new people, some of them looking weird (those were mostly the Soulreapers) and you noticed that your classmates looked at you as if they saw for the first time who you really were. You thought about your good grades in school and how everyone thought that you spent the whole afternoon studying, when actually you did a whole lot of other things, like playing musical instruments, writing stories, reading, and you were actually learning to fight with a sword, as well. You didn't study at all. And now at the party, there was always someone talking to you. You liked being in the center of some peoples' attention, although you were a rather shy person and talked only when someone else started talking to you.

Suddenly, Kisuke Urahara stood on the table and shouted: "Alright everybody! We're playing 7 Minutes in Heaven!!!"

"No!" many people, along with you, shouted, although you also heard someone cheering, a woman with enormous breasts, for one. You remembered her name was Rangiku....

Urahara just smiled: "Oh yes! And everyone has to play." So then he went over to each boy and let them take a colored piece of paper. He smiled mischievously and said: "The girls are going to pick a piece of paper from my hat and the color they get is the person they have to go into the closet with! And _____, since you're so new here, you're going first!"

You felt awkward and turned pale. (Actually, you didn't really mind playing, but you thought no one would want to be with you, since you weren't even pretty or anything, plus you were an outsider...)

Orihime knew what kind of person you were, how you were always polite, didn't drink or smoke and that you weren't the party-girl type, so she tried to get you out of it: "Ehmmm, _____, I guess if you don't want to play we won't make you, right?"

That was obviously the wrong thing to say, because Renji started protesting that it isn't fair, that everyone has to go and you're not an exception, Orihime started to tell them that you would probably feel weird since you don't know them that good, but Rangiku started shouting that it didn't matter, there was chaos everywhere, until you couldn't stand it anymore and said nervously: "Okay I'll go, you're right, it wouldn't be fair." Orihime looked at you, worried, but you just said that it's alright and picked something.


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