I Don't Mind Spending Every Day, Out on Your Corner in the Pouring Rain

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Quinn woke up a few hours later, bound in bed by two large arms and facing Jacob whose lips were slightly curved upwards as he slept. She admired him for a moment, simply watching him breath softly through his mouth, occasionally making a rather loud snore which made her giggle silently in his gentle hold.

When she became more awake as time crept by, she could only think of the amount of trouble she was going to be in when she got home. She knew her family must have been worried sick when she never came home, and she felt guilty for making them feel that way, but Quinn just couldn’t go another day without going to see Jacob. Though, she didn’t know that her seeing him would result in feverish lovemaking.

After another minute passed, she slunk out of his arms and maneuvered herself out of his bed, quietly slipping on the clothes that had been discarded to the floor earlier. Once fully clothed, she left his room silently and wandered down the hall, finding the small laundry room and putting her clothes from the washer into the dryer. On her way back down the corridor, Quinn smiled as she passed Jacob’s room, hearing him snore more loudly than before as he sprawled himself freely on the bed. She looked to the round clock that hung upon the wall, seeing it was four-thirty in the morning.

I’ll make him something to eat for when he wakes up. she thought, walking quietly into the kitchen.

After rummaging through the cabinets and fridge, she found a pan and all the ingredients necessary to make an omelet. Within minutes, she was plating the fluffy, golden meal upon a dish, the aroma of a delicious breakfast wafting throughout the kitchen. After making Jacob’s and scribbling down a little note beside it, she made one of her own so her stomach wouldn’t rebel against her later on.

She ate in silence at the circular table that was placed in the kitchen, drinking a small cup of milk as she did so, and washing her things in the sink when she was finished. Time moved slowly, and she was growing restless as she waited for her clothes to dry. When she finally heard the dryer stop, she collected her garments and changed in the bathroom.

Folding up Jacob’s borrowed clothes, she returned to his room and placed them at the foot of his bed, sitting beside him for a moment and watching him continue to doze. Smiling, she leaned over and let her head rest against his chest, hearing the soft palpitations that calmed her like her own personal lullaby. Tearing herself away from his bare chest, she kissed his eyelids gently before leaving the room and the Black home, trudging her way home on her own.

It took her thirty minutes to reach the border, and when she did, she immediately took notice of a familiar looking car. When she approached it, the door opened, and Alice stepped out from the vehicle with grace and poise.

“I thought you might have been here.” She smiled, motioning for her to get in.

Quinn gave a small smile in return before heading to the other side of the car. She was glad that she wouldn’t have to walk all the way home, but she was somewhat anxious about going home, too. She wasn’t worrying over what Esme and Carlisle would tell her, they were always cool-headed about everything; it was Edward that was causing her to double think her going back. Perhaps she should have just remained in La Push for the rest of her life?

As Alice drove by at her normal high rate of speed, the Cullen home appeared quicker than desired, and Quinn could already feel her heart pounding faster as the car was put into park. The two sisters got out of the car in silence, walking up the few front stairs and entering the home unannounced. Quinn was approached almost immediately.

“Quinn, I’m so glad that you look well,” Esme sighed in relief, approaching the brunette from the kitchen. “You should have called to let us know if you were going to be out all night. We were worried.”

“Sorry, Esme,” Quinn smiled apologetically, hugging her adoptive mother tightly. “I didn’t mean to make you worry.”

“You were with Jacob?” Edward inquired, walking down the staircase, watching his younger sister with careful eyes to gauge her reaction.

“Yes, why do you ask?” She answered normally, not wanting to give him a big reaction.

“You can’t trust him, Quinn. What you did yesterday was completely irresponsible.”

His reply made her furious. She hated how he just continued to badmouth him in front of her like that. “Who are you to lecture me, Edward?” Quinn growled, meeting him halfway in the hallway. “Don’t tell me what to do just because you’re older than me. You don’t have the right to tell me who to meet up with unless you have a valid reason why. You haven’t given me a reason about why I shouldn’t like Jacob, so until then, I’m going to like who I want to like and do what I want to do because it’s my life to live.”

Edward gave an exasperated sigh. “You don’t understand, Quinn.”

“Well, then make me understand! Don’t just talk shit about him like that!” She interjected, and she could feel a ball begin to form in the back of her throat as she yelled at her brother. She loved Edward, she really did love him, but she loved Jacob just as much, perhaps even more. For her to always hear her older brother talk badly about him hurt her more than she’d ever let on, and right now, she wasn’t ready to continue hearing Edward talk about him like that when they had just made love yesterday. “Why can’t you just accept him? What’s so horrible about him that makes you hate him so much? He’s a great guy, Edward. And you know what? I love him. I fucking love him so much that it’s insane!”

Tears began to stream down her cheeks and Edward felt unease spread throughout him. He hated not only that she was crying because of him, but because he knew that the imprinting bond was real, that his sister was in love with a wolf. “Quinn, I never meant to hurt you.”

“Edward… I love you, too. You’re my big brother, you take care of me, and you’ve always been there for me, but I love Jacob, and no matter what you say, it’s not going change how I feel about him.” Sighing shakily, she wiped away her tears and pushed past him, ignoring the numerous eyes that were upon her as she climbed the staircase walked into her room.

When she sat upon her bed, she lost herself to her emotions once more, letting more tears be shed as she buried her face into her pillows, doing her best to cover up her sobs. She didn’t understand why it had to be so hard, why she couldn’t just have Jacob. Why was her brother so against Jacob? Why couldn’t he accept their love for one another?

Quinn hated that she couldn’t have the one person that made her life perfect.

It was banging on the front door that woke up Jacob at eight in the morning. He groaned and stirred in his bed, opting to ignore whoever was requesting him at the moment. He just wanted to sleep and lie beside her, waste away the day with his imprint, and when he couldn’t feel her frame in his arms, his arms stretched over to take her into his embrace. When his fingers never came across her silky skin, his eyes slowly opened to see the wall, and his brain registered that she was indeed missing from his bed.

Was last night all some cruel fantasy his mind concocted to torment him? No, it couldn’t have been. He could still smell the familiar scent of her fruity body wash in his linens, not to mention he was in the nude beneath his blankets. Though that left him wondering where she could have gone to.

Getting up and slipping some denim shorts on, he took notice of the clothes he lent her folded neatly upon the bed before jogging out of his room and going around the house, the person at the front door still banging.

“Jacob, open up the damn door!” Quil yelled.

“Yeah, man, we want to know what you did to Quinn!” Embry agreed.

Jacob paused at his imprint’s name and bounded across the room in spectacular fashion, opening up the door and staring at his two friends with curious eyes. “What are you talking about?”

Once seeing their friend shirtless with hair askew and a different, musky scent about him, they both grinned wickedly. “You and Quinn had sex, didn’t you?” Embry questioned. “Congrats man!”

Jacob rolled his eyes, not in the mood to pal around with them at the moment, being more concerned over the whereabouts of the brunette. “Embry, Quil, what the hell are you talking about? What do you mean about Quinn?” He growled out slowly.

“We saw Quinn,” Quil stated.

“You saw Quinn?” Jacob repeated urgently.

“Yeah, that’s what I just said,” he nodded.

“Where was she?”

“She was walking down the road back to Forks from what it looked like. It was way early, though. It was probably at five or so.” Embry replied instead. “Don’t worry, Jake, I followed her to the border and that Alice chick picked her up from there.”

Hearing that she was taken home made him slightly more at ease and he let out a silent sigh of relief. “Thanks for watching over her, Em,”

“No problem,”

“Yeah, but why was she out so early anyways?”

“I don’t know,” Jacob sighed, turning back inside the home. “I’ve got to go see if she’s okay, though. I think I might have pushed her too far. I need to know that last night won’t change anything between us.”

“Jacob, you’re being clingy.” Embry pointed out. “Some girls just need space after something like this. I mean, sex is supposed to be pretty big for girls, right?”

“Yeah, but—”

“No buts,” Quil interrupted. “If you’re worried about her, call her and let her know how you feel and all that mushy stuff.”

Jacob balled his hands into fists and he wanted to do nothing more than bolt out of there towards Quinn, but they had been right about Quinn coming back on her own time. Maybe they were both right about this situation, too? He knew his friends wanted nothing but happiness for their relationship, so he decided to listen to them again.

“Fine,” he caved. “I’ll just call her later. Did you guys just come off patrol?”

“Yeah, we wanted to let you know about Quinn just in case you didn’t know already.”

“Well… thanks, guys.”

“Sure thing; we’re here for you, Jake.” Embry reassured.

“We’re gonna get going now, though. Emily’s making a mean brunch today. Wanna come?”

“Nah, I sort of lost my appetite,”

Sighing, Quil nodded. “We’ll ask Emily if she can drop some off later for you.”

Jacob was then watching his friends jog off in the direction of Sam and Emily’s, wishing he could be as carefree as them right now. Closing the front door, he wandered into the kitchen to grab a can of soda, noticing an omelet upon the table as he walked by along with a small post-it note. Picking up the piece of paper, he read her small writing with a smile.

I made you some breakfast! Make sure you eat it! I hope it tastes good.
- Quinn

He immediately placed the plate in the microwave and got a soda while he waited for it to finish reheating. Once it began to alarm him the food was done, he wasted no time in devouring it ravenously. Halfway through his meal, he thought about Quinn and couldn’t wait any longer to phone her. Once he retrieved his cell phone from his room, he sat back down at the table and dialed her number, being connected to her voice-mail instantly, though instead of hanging up, he decided to leave her a message.

“Quinn, it’s Jacob. You scared me when I saw you weren’t next to me. I thought I might have scared you off. I’m eating the omelet you made. It’s delicious. The best I’ve ever eaten.” He sighed into the receiver, running his free hand through his hair as he tried to figure out what to say next. “I’m sorry. I don’t know if last night was what you wanted. I just sort of lost myself. I just want you to know that last night… last night was the best night of my life. I know it was sudden, and we haven’t been together for a long time like most people, but it didn’t feel wrong to me. It felt like it was meant to happen.” Chuckling, he shook his head at how idiotic he must have sounded. “I must sound pretty stupid right now, huh? I just can’t say it any other way, though. I love you, Quinn. I love you so much that being apart hurts. It makes me wonder why you’re not with me. I think that’s all I wanted to say. I hope last night won’t make you see me differently. Bye, Quinn.”

He stared at his phone after ending the call, still not feeling satisfied. He wanted to know more about her, how she was feeling, what she was doing… He couldn’t get her out of his mind.

“I’ll call Bells,” he muttered, dialing in her number as well and letting the phone ring in his ear.

“Jake?” Her voice soon called out.

“Yeah, hey, Bells. Are you at the Cullens’ right now? Do you know if Quinn’s there?”

“Yeah, she’s fine,” she began, though the phone seemed to be taken away from her as Bella began to oppose Edward’s actions from the other end of the line.

“Leave Quinn alone for now, Jacob. She’s fine and you don’t need to come to check up on her.” Edward’s voice ordered.

Jacob’s brows furrowed together and he began to tremble with anger. How dare that bloodsucker tell him not to worry about his imprint! “Listen here, leech, Quinn’s my imprint!”

“Yes, that’s been made quite clear,” Edward retorted. “I mean it, Jacob. Stay away from Quinn for a while. I don’t need you getting her knocked up.”

If Edward had been before him at that very moment, Jacob would have murdered him. “What did you just say?” He bellowed. “How’d you—?”

“I could smell you all over her,” he retorted in disgust.

“Listen asshole, I’m going to see Quinn and you can’t stop me. I’m going to see her whether your pansy ass likes it or not.”

“We’ll see about that.”

The line went dead and Jacob’s brown eyes glared at the cellular device before he hurtled it across the room in a fit of rage. “You can’t stop me, leech.” He growled. “I’m going to see her if it’s the last thing I do.”

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