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       purplecats has renamed the chat

BadassBlonde: why that?

purplecats: idk I'm bored.

purplecats: YAY SOMEONES ON!

         IzzySmackle has joined the chat  invited by BadassBlonde.

         IzzySmackle is typing...

IzzySmackle: hey.

purplecats: Hi!

BadassBlonde: Sup.

         FuckboyFriar has joined the chat.

purplecats: great 😒

BadassBlonde: ^^^

IzzySmackle: lol

FuckboyFriar: mean ass

purplecats: dumb ass

FuckboyFriar: why so mean.?

purplecats: not a fan of Fuckboys.

FuckboyFriar: how do u know that I'm a Fuckboy?

BadassBlonde: your username stupid.
               CaptainZay has joined the
           chat, invited by purplecats.

CaptainZay: Wassup.
          FarkleakaGenius has joined the

FarkleakaGenius: hey

purplecats: yay! We're all here!

IzzySmackle: yeah

CaptainZay: Since we are, shouldn't we get to know each other better?

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