Chapter Twelve: AoS1/ MakingTies

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Around the shadows creep
Like friends they cover me
Just wanna lay me down and
finally try to get some sleep

"Here we are" Kei announced to his companion "Do I really have to meet your squad? I mean I already know them, just not met them personally, atleast the two of them anyways" she muttered the last part, "Eh? I guess you know, after all your side effect must've told you right?"

Ketsuka only nodded in response, the door opened to reveal Izumi about to hit Yuiga, almost immedietly tension shot through the roof like a giant beanstalk.


"So I take it that you two already met" Tachikawa said after sipping his tea "On bad terms" Ketsuka added eying the golden-eyed boy mockingly. "Hey! I already apologized!" Said boy defende himself. "Still, you're the one who wasnt looking". The strawberry blonde neighbor stated, "Yes I was! I mean I was busy, but its partly your fault! You were busy examining the trigger and-" the boy trailed off as he tried to remember the item. "Just the trigger, what you're an old man now?" Ketsuka mocked.

The two continued to throw insults at each oher as their leader drowned in his thoughts Commander Kido told me to be wary of every suspicious actions that she does. But she seems to be faring well with Izumi-

"Ack! What was that for?!"

Not suspicously anyways. He sweatdropped.


"Hey Yuu?" Ketsuka started, the older, not to mention bustier girl , who hummed in response "Do you like it here? In border I mean, y'know with Tachikawa and the others?" She continued laying down the bed, but she wasnt going to sleep, she couldnt even if she wanted to anyways. The neighbor was supposively going to stay at the Tamakoma base, until she had her own place to stay in, but seeing as it was dark,Kei, the leader under the orders of their superior, Kido decided that she would stay with Yuu. Ketsuka was freed from defense duty until they found and disposed of the culprit, or that when she is declared as safe and trustworthy enough.

"I feel like I dont need to answer that Ketsuka-san" Yuu smiled softly, The young Roisume,blinked clearly not expecting that as the brown-eyed girl's answer, "You do already have seen my memories right?"

"No its not what I meant. Because everytime I earn a new information, thats supposed to be private, I lose a bit of my true-self, having gained another's past, they're personalities will blend in with the whole bunch, dont say that you havent seen it, I unconciously often show it by my attitude continously changing, Im not who I display myself as, its the emotions of the people I gained memories from. But right now, right here, Yuu, is the real me"

"She's not the one either, Saraato-sama" Koue informed as she pulled back her extended horn and floated back towards her master.

A corpse of a young girl was laying down lifelessly on the cold concrete floor, her strawberry-blonde hair sprawled out and her dull brown eyes stared at the ceiling, unmoving, cold, dead. Not a wound was ingraved in her body and no drop of blood was to be found.

The disguised Saraato, kicked the corpse after she spat at in frustration, "Lets go Koue."

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