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It takes a real nigga to understand a real woman

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It takes a real nigga to understand a real woman . if you see yo man like some other girl pic ... There is no need to go to Instagram , MySpace , Facebook , Snapchat , or twitter telling all yo business like bitch its just a damn picture he liked and for all the girls who think its cute to be commenting on every post you man make talking bout he mine......bitch I think we noticed that 500 posts ago but thanks for the reminder😐😒 but then get mad when people tell you can you quit . And bitch who cares how many motha fuclin followers you got?Who cares how great your body looks? Who cares that you can get 3000 likes on a picture that you had to practically be naked to get that many likes. Cause guess what bitch at the end off the day can you cook? Maybe not Can you listen and give good advice back? Oh no? OK can you get to Hus heart or his dick quicker? Oh his dick? OK cause hope you know you ain't nu to him cause a real nigga want a real lady not an Instagram hoe.....or a hoe period

ZariahhhhDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora