All the way !

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The air was pure and the day sunny, there were some clouds but just enough for making the day even more enjoyable

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The air was pure and the day sunny, there were some clouds but just enough for making the day even more enjoyable.

On the motorbike, Felix clung to Ken's back, leaning on his leather jacket clad back, he was admiring the American in the best way.

He listened half heartedly to Ken's plan for the day. Ken stopped the bike and started to make his toasty introduction to the camera he had fixed onto his helmet .

But today was not like any other day, Ken was very excited to enjoy this vlog with Felix as they toured around America on a motorbike. Of course he told the camera he would show them the best of America: the awesome and unfinishable roads, delicious and mouth watering ribs in steak houses and so many cool monuments. However Felix, in the distance, laughed about the fact that they won't go very far. America was big and in one hour of moto, they would just arrive at the next McDonalds and not see anything else.

Ken pouted and smirked, he couldn't agree more with his sassy friend but as lil' revenge, without a single word of warning, he started the engine making Felix gasp in surprise and grasp to him.

The weather was good, they were laughing together and the discussion wasn't that deep but sometimes it was hard to talk at the same time as driving the bike but Ken slowed down his speed to 50/55 km/h to make it easier but to also let Felix enjoy the view.

But the Swedish guy was not completely interested in that. Not that he wasn't enjoying the trip but his attention was fixated on his American buddy.

Enjoying the fact they were so close, it was an intimate moment between them. They were on Ken's bike and the world was just there for them, the road for their own pleasure and Felix was pleased to share this moment with his best friend.

Motorbiking was Ken's passion. Felix thought that it was adorable though. Ken was the pure caricature of the typical American guy. Tattoos, motorbike, sexy girlfriend, muscled body and all the stuff surrounded a big and adorable virile bear heart.

He realized that he was lucky to have this kind of guy, as a friend, sharing a passion like this; it was the same admiration he had for Brad, his friend, but it was stronger for his bear-like best bro'. He found it curious how he thought he was only attracted to cute feminine girls, but now it's also muscular and virile guys.

With this thought, Felix shivered at the word "attracted". How dare he think like that?

Finishing this thought, he noticed a lil' pressure in the lower part of himself; the friction between their two bodies had an effect on Felix's imagination.

He was glad he put his backbag between him and Ken. That would have been very uncomfortable for the driver to see his co-pilot aroused by the trip.

Now this problem was resolved, he didn't care about the fact he could be easily discovered, he was enjoying the idea of secretly fantasizing about his friend. Not that he would like to see something happen between them, these were just some bromance feelings. He shrugged. Nothing would happen anyway...

Ken on the other hand, found his friend's silence worrying. Maybe he was bored or maybe he was just admiring the view.

He didn't know but he felt too pleased with the trip to disturb his guest and decided to himself to make their first stop in 10/15 mins at a nearby restaurant. Good ribs were prepared there. It was just impossible for him to let this opportunity slip. Felix had yet to discover true American food.

Without flinching, he felt the hands of the Swedish guy palming his chest and rubbing his back, sure he was doing this subconsciously but to make the conversation start again he asked Felix.

''Hey fe', are you feeling alright?"

Those few words totally snapped Felix out of his day dream. He saw his hands rubbing the wrong places and replaced them quickly to their original place. Ken couldn't see because of his friend's helmet but Felix was red of embarrassment. He stuttered some words to reassure the American but Ken knew he wasn't acting as he usually did.

Felix caught himself fantasizing a bit too much nowadays and wasn't pleased with the way that it turned his mental trip. All his dirty thoughts were still running around his mind, they were unstoppable! The view, the road and all the things around him didn't make any difference in distracting him. There was only him and Ken and the small amount of air passing through his helmet. He came to the conclusion that the new fantasies emerged because of that. The pressure in his pants was unexpectedly very painful. He melted from the sun rising on his own leather jacket but at least Ken had no knowledge of his little problem. And he would never know because it was the moment to be reasonable again.

Felix took a deep breath and looked at the view again. It had changed, they were in another place. They certainly passed the little city and the farm because now the road view was more natural. However he saw a house, different from the others. Few cars and motorbikes were parked infront of the small buidling and eventually he recognized the restaurant sign. Ken slowed down the speed of his motorbike.

''Holy shit '' gasped Felix.


-Part 1 done!-


Bonus : Ken and Felix 's design outfits

Ken : "Safety first !''

Felix ''...So why are you wearing a short ?''

Ken '''s too hot.''

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