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Angel pov

"Good girl now u need to u meet me at the airport Friday thats in 2 days.. Now if u tell anyone about this he's dead"Shamoy said before walking away

I was in a dazed for a moment until I heard a voice.

"Angel what took your ass that long"Cameron said coming in front of me

"I was trying to figure what else candy I want"I said lieing

"Well I'm ready lets go"he said pushing the basket to the checkout line

Will checking out I saw Shamoy walk out with a smirk on his face. Why this always happening to me. My life is hell when am I'm every going have some joy.

"Angel bring your ass on"Cameron said walking to the car

Cam put the groceries in the car while  I got in. I think the best thing to do is to tell Cameron what's going on. I don't want him to think I'm cheating again. That's the last thing I want him to think. Cameron got in the car and turn it on and started backing up.

We stopped at a red light "look Cameron the reason I took so long is because Shamoy pop up out of know where. And is threatening to kill you if I don't go back to Hawaii with him"I said

"And what you said about the Hawaii part"he said

"I said yes only to protect you I promise. I love you and even though I hurt you mentally I would never want someone to hurt you physically. I love you Cameron and yes I did some fuck up things but I'm trying to change and get our relationship back on track"I said I been holding this in for so long

"Angel I don't need you to protect by going to Hawaii I like you bring here even tho I handle Shamoy"he said

"He also said that if I tell you he would hurt u"I said

"He can't hurt me Imm call cj to find out info about him"cam said

"Look Cameron I don't trust cj he seems sneaky to me"I said

"Well I'll call the other three to find info out and Imm tell then to keep it a secret"he said

"Okay thanks Cam"I said

"You welcome and I love you too"he said catching me of guard

"You love me"I said

"Yeah I love you and miss your big thighs on top of me at night"he said making us laugh

I smiled "is there a chance will get together"I said

"Yeah there 99% chance"he said smiling

Cj pov
"Look we needs to move fast"Shamoy said

"Why"nath said

"I ask Angel to come with me too Hawaii"he said

"Why your bitch ass did that "nath said right now you can tell he was mad

"Look man thats the only reason I teamed with y'all"he said

"Yeah well you will never see Angel again"Nath said

"Whys that"Shamoy said

"Cause"nath said before taking his gun out and shot Shamoy in his head two times

"Clean this shit up"nath said

"Man what if someone look for him

"Put it on cam get him touch this gun"he said giving me the gun

"You got"I said

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