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My world has changed.

I'm a wolf.

I'm married.

I have three children.

I'm in love with Alex.

I no longer fear for others or myself.

I'm safe and sound and no one can hurt me anymore.

I have no fear.

I have friends, family, love and my other half.

I have freedom.

I'm Alice and I have seen death. I have faced my own fear and dived into hell to save the ones I love.

I thought either hell would freeze over or everyone in hell would get a ice cold drink before I found my happy ending.

I was wrong. So very, very wrong.

I speak the truth when I say happy ending do exist.

Things in this world do exist, weather we'd like to acknowledge them or not, one day you will realize them and you life ill change.

You may doubt yourself at first, but once you start you can never go back.

And I'd never go back.

Fight for yourself, and those whom you love.

Because they just might love you back.

I voice this truthfully, I no longer hide in the shadows, but now I am part of day and night. I now know of happiness and safety.

I don't need my mask anymore.

No more hiding.

I'm not faceless.

Faceless {:Watty 2013:}Where stories live. Discover now