4: Kiss

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I awake to sunlight streaming into the room.

I rub my eyes and sit up, noticing the lack of warmth that had been present throughout the night. Jaxon insisted that we sleep in the same room. Some would say it was for sexual purposes and because we'd fallen in love. Those who don't have their heads up their asses would say it's because Jaxon wanted to ensure I couldn't flee in the night.

"Jaxon?" I softly call out, before unwrapping myself from the tangled sheets. When I stand, a cold breeze hits me, making chill bumps appear on my body. I rub my arms to create heat, not even bothering with my bare legs. I spot the source of the wind— the balcony doors. I leisurely make my way over there as the white floor-to-ceiling curtains billow in the wind. I step through them to see Jaxon reclining easily on the wooden railing whilst holding a crystal glass containing what I assume is Bourbon.

I venture out onto the balcony, making sure to avoid getting too close to the edges surrounding me. "Jaxon," I say again, my voice sounding very innocent in that moment.

"Yes," His tone is dead and all I can see is his back.

"W-Where are my c-clothes?" I stutter, knowing that that wasn't the question I intended to ask. What I wanted to ask was: When are you going to mark me?

Although I kind of hate the guy, marking is expected upon the first meeting-night with ones mate. And it solidifies the mate bond as well as brings the two closer together. This means he couldn't just get rid of me if he pleased; also, it could possibly make us like one another more.

Before bed last night, I weighed all of my options. One out of a million has me actually being able to leave here with no argument from Jaxon. I just have to accept that this is my life now. Might as well make the best of it.

He doesn't answer me. He just turns around to face means slowly approaches while asking, "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes," I answer automatically, trying not to be intimidated by him nearing me.

"Good," He praises condescendingly. He places his hand on the side of my face, rubbing small circles with his thumb. I shift a little, craving his touch, but also feeling uncomfortable. He trails his fingers down my face and under my chin, where he tilts my head back so I'm staring directly into his gorgeous eyes. His eyes flit down to my lips and back to my eyes all in a millisecond, and I find that I can't breathe any longer. "Isabelle," He whispers as his lips move slowly down my jaw line.

This is a dream. This is a dream! I'll wake up and be disappointed because it's a freaking dream! "It's not a dream," He speaks softly, his mouth beside my ear at this point.

"This is really happening?" I squeak out, my bitter feelings being forgotten for the time being.

"Yes," He answers instantly, placing slow kisses down my neck. I let out a small gasp, not realizing that anyone could ever have this effect on me. His muscular arms snake around my waist, yanking me closer, which I honestly didn't think was possible. Goosebumps rise on my arms, but not because of the slight breeze that's starting to pick up. Can you guess what it's from?

I thought so.

He makes his way back up to my lips, kissing the corner of my mouth before fully placing his own on mine. At first, I'm shocked at the tingly sparks that erupt all over my body when he does this, but they soon fade to a pleasant dull ache that has me kissing him back. I'd always imagined my first kiss as memorable, but I'd never thought it'd be like this.

After what seems like an eternity, he pulls away from me, but softly presses his forehead against mine. "You're mine," An animalistic growl comes from him as he stakes his claim over me. "And no man will ever lay a finger on you again, understand? Ever. I will be the one to take all of your firsts— no one else. Considering your circumstances, I'd say we have a lot of ground to cover. But before we continue on, I want to hear it come from you." He pauses, staring deeply into my eyes. "Say you're mine and that you belong to me and no one else," His lip curls up in a snarl as he basically forces me to pledge my allegiance to him.

The way he says it makes me feel like I'm a fucking slave or a piece of property—which is very sexist and rude, may I add. I mean, he didn't even say it sweetly; it was all demanding-like and possessive. I suddenly cross my arms, forcing distance between our bodies.

"And why should I?" I speak out defiantly like the rebellious teenager I am.

A flash of annoyance goes over his face and he says, "Because," He steps closer. "You're my mate."

"It's not like I ever accepted you or anything," The words tumble out of my mouth before I can stop them. Did I really just say that out loud?

"But you will," He says insistently, a look of desperation crossing his gorgeous repertoire.

"Who's to say that I will?" I ask, feeling in the mood to torture him a little.

He steps back, running a hand through his dark locks. He huffs out a breath, before barreling towards me, shoving me against the exterior wall of the house. "Me," He growls out, then smashes his lips onto mine.

Ways to get your stubborn mate to kiss you:

1. Question his claim/authority over you.

As if he realizes my little ploy, he pulls back, cocking his head to one side. "What a clever little nymph," He narrows his eyes, dragging them up and down my exposed body. "Tricking me into kissing you again. Of course you know that coming out here in just a t-shirt is dangerous. You're basically wearing a sign that says 'Mark Me.' Is that what you want?" He raises his eyebrows, placing his hands on the wall on either side of my head. I lose my breath immediately and regret pushing him down this dangerous path.

"I-I came to ask where my clothes were, I—"

He interrupts me, "Is that what you want?" He asks more distinctly.

I look down at the ground, gulping hard before murmuring, "Maybe."

"So you want me to mark you out here on the balcony for any passerby to see?" One of his eyebrows pull up, a look of 'this girl is insane' crossing his face.

"No," I mumble, my cheeks heating.

"Then what is it you want, Isabelle? Hmmm?" He questions after I don't answer him.

"I-I don't k-know," My voice cracks.

A side of his mouth tilts up, a bemused chuckle escaping from him. "Just an inexperienced teenager embarrassed to ask her older and developed mate to claim her. Tsk, tsk, tsk," He shakes his head, laughing at me once again. I huff, irritated, and push his rock solid chest away from myself. He doesn't budge, however.

Well that's embarrassing...

My eye slightly twitches, the glare I'm giving his chest enough to burst him into flames at any second. "Go ahead princess," He speaks, "give it another go. I really think you can get it this time."

I groan in frustration, crossing my arms over my chest and slowly sinking back into the wall as much as I can. "You're an as—"

He cuts me off, "Astronaut? No, I'm a werewolf." He smirks triumphantly at me.

"Dick," I mumble, staring at the ground.

"What was that? Are you talking about how sexy I am? I know you do it in your sleep, but I didn't realize you voiced your thoughts so openly—"

"Shut up!" I yell, reaming him in the shoulder. "I don't talk about you in my sleep! And you are not sexy!"

He raises an eyebrow at me, "Pshhht! Don't act like you're not attracted to me, I mean, who isn't?" He flashes a wolfish grin my way. The audacity of this man!

"Narcissistic much?" I narrow my eyes, my tone laced with venom.

"Very much," He smiles sanctimoniously at me.

"Whatever," I say under my breath, finally pushing past him and into his...our room.

"Offer is still open! I can go ahead and claim you and all of those dirty little thoughts will leave your head—for the most part," He calls from behind me.

"Stop fucking with me!" I yell back.

"I could be fuc—" I cut him off by slamming the connecting bathroom door behind me.


But a hot one.

Wait, what?

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