chap 3: The reason

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This whole mess start 2 week ago, since the time that Mabel was been possesse by Bill and he threat me that he will kill every single preson that I care about by making trap all around and inside that house and it will me soon be activate when eveyone gets back home from the store then blame it to Mabel by using her body then kill herself and comite suicide. That why I make back a deal with him to making him stop and help me to get rid of all the trap before anyone came home.

And that what he plan all to make me his puppet again, and ofcouse I walk into that. Painfull, sadly and anger at a time.

I felt terrible and relief at the same time. It really stupit of me to easily fell into his trap cause it mostly my fault to for being so lazy and forgotful to forget that I have to fix the 'unicorn hair' around the house so Bill couldn't get in a set up.

But what ever that I think now it wasn't importance. Now I just need to know that true reason that Bill wanted me. He mostly just playing with me, used me as a toy just to satisfy his lust everyday.( *I know that it sound disturbing... and entertaining at a time for some people and ofcouse not me)

Every time that when I tried to ask me the reason his just smile. I never though that he would ever do this for another purpose. So it really hard for me to find the answear now. And it even worst for a guy who have terrible taste and solving in relation ship. >:( .

So today, I finally take all my bravory that I have left to do 'this' exchange for a good advide from the person that trust and good at this whole stuft....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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