Chapter 1

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Before we get started, I just wanted to inform you that this is a 'Samtry' fanfic. Samtry is a ship my dear friend MyCatisSocks came up with. Credits to her. Anyway, we can get going now!


  My big brother used to tell me stories about Earth. He used to tell me about the humans. My favorite thing he talked about was the Winchester brothers. I enjoyed hearing his stories because my father forbade me from even looking at the humans. I wanted to go to the Earth desperately. So desperately, that I defied my father.


  "Castiel!" I called. Castiel is my big brother. He is the only angel who will talk to me. All the others...
  Castiel appeared in front of me. "You asked for me?" He questioned.
  "I did. I need your help." I paused. "I want to go to Earth."
  Castiel's mouth opened. "You are forbidden!"
  "I know! But I want to go! You have to help me! Please, Castiel!" I was pleading. Begging, even.
  "I-I can't. I'm sorry." He began to leave.
  "You can't or you won't," I said, burning with anger.
  "I won't," Castiel have me a sympathetic look and then disappeared.
  "I'll have to do it myself," I muttered. I went to the edge of my father's kingdom. This was not an easy task. I eventually made it and looked over. There it was. Earth. Without so much as looking back, I jumped.


I thought it was simple. I believed all I had to do was jump and then my wings would carry me down. That is not how it went.
After I jumped, I savored feeling of falling for a moment. This is what freedom feels like....
I spread my wings. For a moment it seemed as though everything was going fine. Then I heard an ear splitting CRACK! A horrible pain spread through my left wing.
I began to fall. The world whirled around me. I was, for the first time, scared. The ground was growing closer. I screamed and the wind ripped my voice from me.
  Then it all stopped. All I saw was the blue sky. After that my vision went black.


  When I woke up again the sky was no longer blue. It was more black. I slowly got to my feet. My clothes were in tatters. And my wings....
  I looked around, searching for a distraction. I couldn't look at my wings. I noticed I was is a crater of sorts. The impact must have created it. It wasn't that deep. I would be able to get out.
  I took a step forward. My head pounded. I fell to my knees.
My wings hung limp on my back. I knew they were broken. I had landed on my right wing and broken it too.
I wanted to believe that I was okay. That everything was okay. That I could get back to my father.
I got back to my feet. No. I was stuck on Earth. But isn't that what I wanted? To be on Earth.
Not like this.
It began to rain. I took a few steps toward the edge of the crater. My wings dragged on the ground behind me.
As much as I didn't want to, I looked back at them. My once beautiful, light gray wings were now ugly and stained with blood. In some places you could see the bones. They were disgusting.
I felt as though I had been stripped of everything.
The rain came down harder. Thunder, as I have come to know it, rang through the air. I took a few more steps before I tripped.
I was now covered in mud. I curled up and awaited Death. I knew it was only a matter of time before he came for me.
I had given up. But, almost out of nowhere, I heard a rumbling. And this rumbling wasn't thunder. It was something completely different.
  There was a slight screeching noise and then the rumbling stopped. I heard the sound of walking. I got to my knees and looked up.
  At the edge of the crater I saw two figures, one taller than the other. They were obviously men.
  The shorter one let out a laugh. "Look at what we have here, Sammy! You think it's a demon?"
  I tried to tell him that I was no demon, but my voice wouldn't work.
  "No... It's- she's an angel," the taller man said.
Yes! Someone sees that!
  "I know she's pretty but 'angel' is a little much, don't you think?"
  "Dean! I mean she's actually an angel!"
  "How do you know?"
  "Can't you see her wings?"
  The tall one, Sam, was keen enough to see my wings. That was promising.
  As the men continued their conversation, I realized that I was in the presence of humans.
This is what I have always dreamed of!
  I turned my attention back to the humans. I was going to try to use my voice, ask them for help, but they were already in front of me.
  Dean squatted in front of me. He was almost at eye level.
  "So you are an angel?" He asked. I nodded.
  "I've met one or two of your kind before. My brother and I can help you out," Dean said, holding out his hand.
  The gears started turning in my head. Sam. Dean. Brother. Then it clicked. These were the Winchesters. I was face to face with the Winchesters!
  I returned to reality when Dean began speaking.
  "I'm Dean. That's Sam. What's your name?" He asked.
  "Can you talk?" Sam asked. I turned my head to look at him and nodded.
  I opened my mouth and was able to some what form the words, "My name is Sentry."
  "Come on, let's get you out of this ditch," Dean said, and again he held out his hand. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do with it. I had barely had any interaction with any beings.
  I studied his hand and contemplated what I was supposed to do with it.
  After a long time of holding out his hand, Dean sighed, grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet.
  I cried out as he was pulling me up. Dean had dragged my wings across the ground.
  "Hey, Dean! Can't you see that you are hurting her wings?" Sam asked his brother.
  "I already told you, I can't see them at all!" Dean replied, obviously annoyed.
  "Let me take over." Sam walked over to me. I thought he was tall but that was before I saw him standing over me. I was at least a foot shorter than him.
  I stared up at him. Dean stepped away from me as Sam picked me up. One arm was around my waist and the other was under my legs. He was careful not to hurt my wings. Sam began walking to the edge of the crater. Dean had already crawled out and was waiting for Sam.
  As he was walking, Sam whispered something to me. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you."

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