Chapter 2

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It was not easy for the Winchesters to get me out of that crater. The plan was for Dean to crawl out and then Sam would pass me to him. Simple, right?
It wasn't. Sam was constantly critiquing what Dean was doing.
"Dean, watch her wing!" Sam said.
"I'm trying! How big are they, anyway?" Dean replied, annoyed.
I sat in silence as they bickered. After a while, Dean got impatient and just pulled me out of Sam's arms.
I managed to land on my feet, but my wings were still jerked around. I whimpered slightly.
Dean helped me walk. Sam quickly appeared by my side.
There was a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder. It was pouring now.
I shivered as the water soaked what clothing I had left.
Sam muttered something. "What?" I asked, turning toward him.
"Nothing," he replied. "Uh- here," Sam said, taking off his jacket and handing it to me.
I slipped my arms into the sleeves. The jacket was gigantic on me. It hung at my knees.
  I looked at Sam with an expression of confusion. Why was he letting me wear his jacket when he could wear it and be warm?
  Sam gave me a slight smile. He stopped walking and opened the door of a strange, shiny black contraption.
  "What is that?" I managed.
  "It's a 1967 Chevy Impala!" Dean said with pride in his voice. "She is my baby!"
  "Is it possible for a human conceive a...?" I asked.
  "It's a car." Sam gave his brother a look. "It isn't actually his baby. That's just a saying. Cars are used to go places faster."
  "Oh..." I said, my eyebrows furrowing. Sam made a strange gesture with his had. From the look of it, he wanted me to get into the car.
  I cautiously walked forward and peered in. Dean walked to another door and sat in the car. I tried to mimic what he did. Once I was comfortably seated, Sam walked around the car and got in on the other side.
  The was the slight sound of metal clanking together. Suddenly, a loud rumbling filled the air and the car began to bounce slightly.
  I jumped, unsure what was going on.
  Sam and Dean laughed. "Calm down, uh... I don't know your name, angel," Dean said.
Angel? Is this something humans do? Do they address each other by species?
  "Well, human, my name is Sentry." I watched Dean closely, trying to make sure I did it right.
  Dean laughed. "Well, I'm Dean and that's my brother Sam. But he is the dorky one."
  "Hey!" Sam said, hitting his brother on the arm.
  Dean then, as Sam says, hit the gas and sped off. I was terrified. We were going very fast. Memories of the fall went through my mind.
  Sam saw I was... Uncomfortable. "If you want to get some sleep, you can," he said.
  "Lay down and close your eyes," Sam said. He was staring at me. At least I thought he was. His eyes wouldn't leave my face. I did as he said. Almost instantly, I was asleep.


For a long time, everything was going fine. Sentry had fallen asleep instantly. Dean had some 90's song softly playing. It was quiet; it was peaceful.
  Out of nowhere, Sentry sat up.
  I was about to ask her what was wrong when she yelled: "Stop!"
  Dean slammed on the breaks. "What? Why?" he asked.
  "Something's wrong!" Sentry said, sounding frantic.
  I turned around in my seat. "Sentry, calm down. What's wrong?" I said, trying to sooth her.
  "I- I'm missing something." She appeared to be out of breath.
  "Sentry," I began. "I don't mean to alarm you, but your wings aren't there."
  Dean rolled his eyes and began driving again.
  Sentry looked at her back and all around her.
  "No! This is- this is fathers doing! This is my punishment!" she said to herself.
  "What do you mean punishment?"
  "I... I don't want to talk about that."
  Sentry wasn't like the other angels I'd met. Although I wasn't sure how yet.
  I realized I had been staring. I turned back to the front of the car so she wouldn't see my blush.
  Dean raised an eyebrow at my pink cheeks. He winked and nodded his head at Sentry.
  I shook my head and glared at Dean. I mouthed the words Not like that.
  Dean rolled his eyes and mouthed Sure.
  I spent the rest of the car ride pretending nothing happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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