chapter 2 what goku and I'm not dead somehow!!!

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(y/bf/n = your best friend's name) you: hay y/bf/n you here best Friend: y/n check this out
it's goku, picolo and raditz!!
you: *moves over to Friend* noo way!!!!!?
raditz: who was that !!!!
you: oh sh*****t!!!
raditz:* shoots a blast at you *
you: what I'm alive how .
goku: it doesn't matter how get out of here now !!!!!
raditz: i don't think so!!!!
you: *get's blasted by raditz* not this time haa!!!!
you: and one for you
*blasts raditz in a mountain*

everyone: wtf!!!!!!!

how Is this even possible (dbz fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora