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It was a normal day, well as normal as it could get, for the rowdy Fairy Tail guild when suddenly the doors burst open catching everyone's attention. Everyone watched as Lucy stomped in with a stern face. Natsu was following her close behind whining, "Luce! I told you I was sorry! Please talk to me!" receiving nothing but silence. Lucy was used to his whining, she had been hearing it the whole walk to the guild.

Lucy walked over to the bar and greeted Mira and slouched in to a stool, laying her head on her arms. Natsu, instead, walked over to a table where Erza and Gray were sitting. Erza looked over at Natsu and frowned, "What did you do to Lucy?" Natsu slumped in his seat and pouted, "I didn't even do anything," Erza shook her head in a dissaproval, not buying Natsu's response, "Natsu, we both know Lucy wouldn't ignore someone for no reason. Knowing you, you did something pretty bad considering this is the first time she has literally ignored you,"

"Hey! Whats that supposed to mean?!"

"She's right flame head. Lucy probably has a pretty good reason. You probably did something which doesn't surprise me,"

"You wanna go ice block?!" Natsu exclaimed, bumping foreheads with the ice mage. Erza glared daggers at them and they instantly sat back down acting as if nothing was happening. Natsu's gaze shifted over to Lucy as he watched her flail her arms everywhere. He chuckled at her gesture's knowing she was talking about what he did. She looked so cute when she got mad. He suddenly realized that Lucy was bound to tell Erza what happened and quickly went to hide, not wanting to be there when the red head found out.

Once Lucy was done telling Mira what happened she sat down and ordered a drink, stressed out and exhausted. Erza walked up to the blonde and sat on the stool next to her, ordering a drink before asking Lucy what Natsu had done this time. Lucy sighed and restarted her story, "Well, I was asleep this morning and usually I leave the window open for Natsu but last night it was storming and the rain was making my bed wet so I closed it," Lucy started, "I wake up this morning to find my window melted open and smoke everywhere. I got up and followed the smoke to the kitchen and half of my kitchen was on fire! Now I have to re-do my whole kitchen! Anyways, I knew Natsu had something to do with this so I went to my living room and sure enough Natsu was on the couch asleep!"

Lucy shouted, finishing her story. Erza clicked her tongue in disapproval not surprised at what Natsu had done. she remembered the first time Natsu had tried cooking at Lucy's house and it had ended in a similar way. The only difference was the fire had been really small and Natsu had been there and awake to get rid of it. Erza sat up remembering something and asked, "how come Natsu didn't smell it in his sleep?" Lucy shrugged and said, "the living room is two rooms away and the door was closed so it would have taken longer for the smoke to reach the living room," Erza nodded.

Suddenly, Natsu walked over to the bar and in the process got hit over the head by the one and only Erza, " OW! What was that for?!"

"Ruining Lucy's kitchen you idiot!" Erza screeched causing Natsu to cringe at her loud voice, "Oi! I said I was sorry!"

"Sometimes, sorry doesn't cut it Natsu!"

"A-aye," Erza glared at him before walking away. Natsu rubbed his head and turned towards Lucy. She looked away quickly and stuck her nose in the air and hmphed. Natsu sighed, tired of the blonde ignoring him, "this is getting old Luce. This is your last warning, I said I was sorry," silence. Natsu chuckled and stood up, "alright, don't say I didn't warn you," Lucy silently cheered, glad that he was going to give up but squeaked in surprise when she felt warm hands grab her and pick her up.

Everyone silently watched as Natsu picked the blonde up and carried her out of the guild. Natsu threw her over his shoulder and cooly walked out of the guild with Lucy kicking and screaming for someone to help her. Ignoring her screams, Natsu walked to Lucy's house earning stares from most people they walked by. He opened the door to her apartment, grabbed a chair and rope, sat her on the chair, and quickly tied her arms and legs to the chair. He wanted his best friend to forgive him and talk to him again and he would do anything.

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