Virtues and sins.

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Flames light the seven towers around our side of the city, fires dancing happily, trying to escape the forts perched on the white stone walls. Angels of all ages and choirs float past me as I stand near some sharp, elegant looking buildings lining both sides of the street. Sitting right at the end is the largest, and possibly most magnificent, building in the city; the town hall.

Pieces of burnt building crumble as a three meter tall skeleton pushes past it, his eyes staring at, or through, the invisible wall of my creation. Past the roughly painted line on the ground which reads warnings and 'do not pass', the monster goes, limping as his right foot is missing. It pauses. Nose millimeters from touching the boundary. Bones creak as he leans forward and is instantly shot backwards, building crumbling around where his corpse now lays, a silent warning for passers by on the other side.

I turn my head away, looking at justice's tower, nearly touching the line. Watching a being, demonic or angelic, perish is strictly banned as it might make us think of this pain on others, which would be sinning. Groups of people wander between me and the line without even stopping to take a glance at the other side. A group of young angels run away from a cherubim in a friendly game of tag, dancing around the streets, but always being careful not to bump into anyone. The street I stand by is almost empty.

"No," I curse, "The meeting has almost started."

Quickly and quietly I run into the hall, sitting at a seat that bears my name: Gabriel. Lucy sits next to me, her smile glows white and her beautiful hair glows a straw colour, much like my own. A tapping of footsteps occurs as 7 heads, then chests, and finally whole bodies join Balthazar, the newly elected leader on stage. The seven Seraph's, the highest choir of angels, stand in order of there towers, in a semi circle around the stage. "hello, my fellow townspeople, todays meeting will follow the timetable that was handed to you as you came in." Since i arrived late I don't have one so i lean over Lucy's soft shoulder and read the crisp white piece of parchment.

Todays Itinnarary: Introduction of new virtues, In castle order, then discuss wall, then meet new representitive, Finaly ask and answer questions.

All the faces look up in near unision as Charity steps forward. "Hello cizitens, I am charity and I am here to talk to you about the virtue that I strive to uphold, Charity." Her voice is very soft, like a whisper, but still reached the ears of every being in the hall. "Charity is the act of giving, be it service or time, to another person, this could look like holding a door open or giving them a meal. You all follow this very well so remember, as they say, Charity starts at home!" Akward laughs are exchanged around the hall as everyone claps and prudence steps forward. The others all step forward in turn after her: Temperance, Faith, Courage, Justice and finnally Hope. "hello I am hope, you should always keep hope, even when the times are tough." His voice is crackling broken.

Clapping around the room erupts like fireworks. "Thank you, Virtues!" Balthazar says as he makes eye contact with almost everyone in the room.

"Now to tell you about the wall, Gabriel!" His voice peaking at my name. As I walk down the aisle I get many high fives from younger archangels and nods from a few seraphs towards the front. My feet bang on the wood almost too loudly, hushing the audience and getting their attention.

"Hello" I begin with my voice slightly shakily." I am here I talk to you guys about the wall that separates us from the hellish side of our town. This wall is impassible, so you all must remember to stay behind the safety line, just in case you touch it as this could have devastating results."

"But how do we get over there to support them in rebuilding?" a dominion choir-man yells out. "Well there is one small door, but it can only be opened from our side, and requires a key which all 7 of our virtues have a part of." "Well what if they lose their key, what do we do then?" this time the question comes from a more mature looking archangel."That won't happen." butts in Bal, keen to keep the conversation positive. "Thankyouforyourtime" I say all to quickly as I return to my seat, half-hearted claps spurring me on.

Unlike all who took the stage Caspar's worn leather shoes made no sound, nor did he need introducing. I feel a shiver go down Lucy's spine as his eyes look directly towards us. A glowing red glare matches his strong booming voice. "Hello, you all know who I am and what I represent. I just have something to ask you." his scaly finger poked against Balthazar's chest, bending at an unnatural angle. "How does he,"(his finger points directly at me, then returns to Bal's chest)"how does he get to call my people monsters?" His voice is so patronizing it is as if all of the people in this room look like they are three to him.

Balthazar stands up before I can reply. "Now I know that you may not follow the same values and rules as us, but that is no way to speak to anyone on this side of the wall or, in my view, anywhere at all." Pushing past Lucy I walk down the aisle, away from Caspar's demonic laughing.

"Gabriel, wait!" Lucy says behind me. but its too late as I am already out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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