The second time

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As I walked into Northampton town center on the Wellingborough road I saw the police in two unmarked cars parked down the same street but at some distance apart.

I successfully walked past the first unmarked police car looking down at my phone. Just as I walked up level to the front passenger car door. It flew open and the two officers from the first car jumped on my back while the second two got me from ether side. I had no chance but to hit the floor like the sad criminal I was.

(Not many people that have chosen that way of life have come past it and decided to put pen to paper. The main thin I want to achieve by doing things like this is to potentially help some one that could go down the roads I have gone down. I don't mean by physically stopping someone I mean by taking the time to talk about things and the result of someone's actions etc.)

After being bundled into the police car with on lookers standing around looking at all the goings on in the street. "I'M ARRESTING YOU FOR OBTAINING PROPERTY BY DECEPTION AND I'M ALSO ARRESTING YOU FOR FRAUD BY CHEQUE" and with that the car door closed and started to move off.

"Next stop cop shop" said the driver.

I sat in a cell no bigger than the size of a small bathroom for 3 days because I'm not a person that is trusted so I never get bail. the custody sergeant came to my cell after my first interview and I was not at all surprised at what came out of his mouth. "I'm charging you with the following offences

charge 1. Theft from a dwelling

Charge 2. obtaining property by deception

Charge 3. Fraud to the amount not exceeding £7,000

I was put in front of Northampton magistrates court and sent home on bail due to the fact I had children at home and the case was sent to the crown court because the out come of sentence could be grater than the allowed sentencing guidelines by a magistrates court.

The day of my court hearing I withdrew some money from my ex partners account and got at train to Birmingham. I arrived in Birmingham new street station at roughly 11:30am as I stepped off the train there was not an official in sight. My time on the run had started.

For 7 weeks I spent my time finding food and shelter. I met some bloke by the name of ski he used to sell news papers outside the train station in a little box. he said I could stay with him for a day or two if I helped him in the evenings and I agreed without knowing what I was letting myself in for.(I have changed his name)

after a few days with this man I soon caught on to the fact he was eyeing me up in a sexual way I was 19 then. I remember I had put some of my charge sheets in his oven because I had noticed him not use it. well this one day he did and found the depositions in the oven and came up to me with them in his hand and put them on the side looked me in the eye " what the fuck is this you silly little twat"

with that I just hit him so hard picked the paperwork off the side went through his pockets and emptied his wallet of cash and got a train back to Northampton.

As I got off the train at Northampton station I could smell the air I was all to use to. I walked out across the car park at the back of the station towards the Grafton street area of Northampton it was there a marked police car drove past me and continued to carry on down the road. I looked across the road and saw a working girl dressed in jeans and a not exactly revealing top for a working girl but none the less "There's police just gone gown there love" I said to her. we had a conversation that only lasted about 10 minutes and we smoked a cigarette but I walked away with a job letting the working girls know when the police were driving around.

This person who is now a good friend and whos name I'm not going to include. I just want to say that I'm proud of you and well done beating your addiction and making the most of your life. big love hun x x x you are the person that inspired me to change

By the time I got to my father in laws house it was late so I slept on a bus at the bus station in Northampton that has now sadly been demolished like I had done many times before when I used to run away from my foster placements and after being adopted. but more about this later.

I woke up early in the morning and called Helen on her mobile phone I told her I was back in Northampton and I wanted to hand myself in. She let me into her fathers flat as she had moved back in with him because it was easier because I had gone to Birmingham. I had a bath and freshened myself up went down stairs and spent some time with Helen and the kids before I went to hand myself in at Campbell Square police station in Northampton.

As we both left with the kids two police cars came round the corner and stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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