Chapter 1

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Hope you like the story I've never done a sicfic before so bear with me

For your information hiccup and Astrid are not a couple and this takes place when the gang is still 15 and 16

Hiccup gets sick

This is winter in Berk, cold, wet and just plain freezing temperatures. It's the perfect time to get sick but we're vikings and vikings don't get sick. Even if we are we certainly don't admit it.


1 days till snoggletog, oh I was so excited! But then 'ACHOO' I sneezed in to my tunic. Oh great I better not get sick that would be awful. I walk downstairs and I feed Toothless.

'Good morning son'

'Good morning dad, I'm gonna go to the academy for training be back after lunch.'

'That's fine I have lots of chiefing matters today so I'll be home around dinner see ya lad and you too Toothless.'

Let's go Toothless

I was about to leave the house when suddenly I had a itch in my nose I was going to sneeze but I can't, everyone will hear me, I thought so...

'Come on bud let's go the cove no one can hear me there.'

I got to the cove and we landed I started to sneeze...


I was about to go to the academy but then I saw Hiccup flying to the cove. It's too late to go for a morning flight I thought.

'Come on girl follow Hiccup and Toothless.'

We landed very quietly and I told Stormfly to stay and I hid behind a rock. That's when I heard sneezing, a looked out from the rock and saw Hiccups back to me he was having a sneezing fit. It was pretty funny. So I started counting how many times he sneezed.


I started to have a sneezing fit. Toothless looked at me a little worried, I tried to tell him in-between sneezes that I'm fine.

'I'm 'ACHOO' fine bud, 'sniffle' I glad that Astrid or the 'ACHOO' others don't know about this!'


Oh I couldn't hold it in much longer I fell out of my hiding spot and started rolling on the group laughing my head off!

'Wow Hiccup 17 sneezes in a row impressive!'

'Oh you saw that?' Hiccup was a little embarrassed

'Hiccup are you OK like actually?'

'Ya I'm fine Astrid really just a itchy nose that's all.'

'Hiccup don't lie to me I know you better than that, your not fine.'

'Astrid just forget about this it's only a one time thing let's go to the academy the others are probably wondering where we are.'

'Ok, if you say so.'

**********Time skipped***********
At the academy***

Snotloud: why were you guys late?

Tuffnut: oh here comes Astrid with her lover boy

Astrid: Tuffnut he's not my lover boy and there was an incident that's all

Fishlegs: Umm, Astrid sorry to ask but what happened?

Astrid: ask Hiccup it's his problem

Ruffnut: so what happened Hiccup?

Hiccup: Astrid I give you permission to tell them I don't want to.

Astrid: sure ok, so this morning right as I was going to fly here I saw Hiccup and Toothless flying towards the cove so I followed them this, is what happened.

We landed very quietly and I told Stormfly to stay and I hid behind a rock. That's when I heard sneezing, a looked out from the rock and saw Hiccups back to me he was having a sneezing fit. It was pretty funny. So I started counting how many times he sneezed.

Tuffnut: Cool!

Astrid: afterwards, Hiccup said 'I'm 'ACHOO' fine bud, 'sniffle' I glad that or the 'ACHOO' others don't know about this!'and then I couldn't hold it in much longer so I fell out of my hiding spot and started rolling on the group laughing my head off! He literally sneezed 17 times in a row!

Snotloud: Very impressive Hiccup!

Hiccup: ya I know *sarcastic voice

Ruffnut: do it again

Fishlegs: are you sick Hiccup?

Hiccup: No I'm not it was just a one time thing.

Fishlegs: OK then, let's start training!

Tuff: ya

***********Time skipped***********
During training***********

Hiccup: today we're going to play hide and seek tag, so you and your dragon hide and there is no 'it' person everybody is 'it' so while your hiding you find the others and the first one to pin the other person down on the ground wins! Ok? Go!!

***********Time skipped***********
During the game***********

Hiccup: during the game my nose itched again, oh no I'm gonna sneeze again!?

Fishlegs: I was trying to sneak up on Hiccup but then I heard him sneeze again and again so I got the others and we all counted the sneezes.

When Hiccup stop sneezes we all jumped out from behind that bush and scared him.

Hiccup: were you guys watching me?

Ruff: ya it was cool do it again!

Tuff: ya do it again

Astrid: so Hiccup one time things huh?

Fishlegs: Hiccup you might be sick

Snotloud: who cares who's sick or not is training done, I need my beauty sleep.

Hiccup: I'm fine, I'm not sick

Astrid: really Hiccup you wanna go there?

Hiccup: ok fine I might be a little under the weather

Astrid: next time you have a sneezing fit and you sneeze more than 20, you are going straight to bed, understand!

Hiccup: yes mi'lady.

Sorry for the cliffhanger I'll update as soon as possible but im going on holidays soon so...

And if you liked it comment down below! Thx


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