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"Kabir...How are you? It has been a while."

"Just busy with things. But wanted to talk. Do you have time?"

"Yes...but why don't we grab a coffee or lunch or something. It would be good to see you face to face."

Kabir hesitated. He wasn't sure that he was ready to see her again.

"You know how it is...Time flies and it is so difficult sometimes to schedule things. How about we chat now and then try to meet up soon?"


"Do you have a Holo module? It works really well. Almost lifelike. It will be as if we were right there, in front of each other."

"Kabir...that would be a very poor substitute. And I don't have one of those anyways."

"Slow adopter."

"You can say that."

"Okay, just wanted to say that I am sorry for leaving so suddenly, without giving you the chance to explain."

"I am sorry as well. I broke your heart. I should have tried to talk to you."

"You did. I was not listening. But, yes. You broke my heart. And you know that I am not the easiest to get close to. This experience hasn't helped."

"I do know you, Kabir. I did not want to make things worse for you. I was just frustrated. Anyways. No excuses. That is why we should meet so that we can catch-up properly."

"I did want to tell you about the latest Holo model. It is Virtual Reality on Steroids. You can actually play out scenarios like games. I have tried the latest model and the scenario was right out of history."

" know that I am not into those computer simulations. I really think that you should avoid using this tool, just so that you create the time to live out in the real world. You can make your own reality, Kabir. You don't need a computer to generate one for you."

"You need to experience it to really understand. It is as if you are living inside the simulation. And your decisions drive the outcomes."

"That is what life is. Your decisions drive outcomes. You don't need a computer for that."

"You don't understand. Maybe, you don't want to."

"Kabir, I can try to. As your friend, I want to help. But you need to leave your house and live in the real world. You need to meet people. Interact with real people."

"I go to work. I interact with plenty. I am not a hermit. We used to have these discussions before. It is all coming back."

"Kabir, I think that you are a wonderful, sensitive, intelligent man. But you don't allow real people and real life situations to touch you."

"They only bring misery and heartache. As you clearly showed me."

"I apologized and don't make me the excuse to shut yourself off from the rest of the world."

"Sorry I called. You don't get it. You don't want to. How is Gabriel anyways?"

"I am sorry, Kabir. I would still like to meet, if you are up to it?"

"I'll let you know. Bye."

He hung up.

He had what he needed. The voice samples would be integrated into the scenario he wanted to run.

He put on the implant and blinked.

He was on the beach. Just the way he remembered it. It was amazing that the Holo developers had gone to the trouble of capturing every popular location on the planet.

The sun was setting. And he saw her lying beside him. There was a slight breeze, and the air was cool but not chilly. It was actually perfect. He turned off the Holo icons so that he could enjoy the scenery. The sea was emerald, just like he remembered it, and the sand white. There were others on the beach and he wondered if he should get up, walk and interact.

"Beautiful sunset, don't you think?" The Sylvie character generated out of his memories and using the voice sample he had recorded, was actually trying to interact.

"It is. Are you happy?"

"Very. And you?"

"Now I am", he said and smiled. He closed his eyes and drifted away in this alternate world where all was well. The way it should be.

When he woke up, he was still on the beach. But Sylvie was gone, which was strange. He thought that the scenario would follow his lead and he had wanted her there with him. The sun had set and it was twilight. He looked at his watch and it was 7:00pm. Exactly. The module had scanned him earlier and he had scanned various accessories such as the watch, shoes, wallet, and even his silver chain. He felt the chain around his neck, and the quarter sized pendant. All so life like. It was amazing. So did he actually nap, and while he did, did the Halo let time elapse in sync with time in the real world? He had many questions, but first he needed to get back. He was thirsty, hungry and needed to take a leak. So he closed his eyes and opened them. Nothing. He tried again. Nothing again. Tried a third time and he felt light headed, opened his eyes to find himself on the same beach. What was happening? Why couldn't he exit the simulation?

He closed his eyes, opened them and now the sun was fully set. It was dark and the beach was empty. Was he trapped? Kabir started to panic. He looked around and saw what looked like the hotel behind him. The same hotel they had stayed at. He made his way towards the building, climbing the stairs that led away from the beach, to the pool. He kept walking past the pool, and entered the rear lobby. He realized that he was wearing a T-shirt, beach shorts and sandals. The lobby had a bar and there were a lot of people. Just random characters who seemed to have been programmed to be talking to each other, laughing occasionally and drinking. He walked towards the bartender who looked up and smiled.

"Mr. Verani! Your evening favorite, I presume?"    

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