A group of players that became a real slayers for slaying 4000 EnderMan in the minecraftia, they call themselves EnderManSlayers, well this is the other book that I said I will make because of the cut of my first book, I am really sorry about it
We continued traveling every biome, even the wild ones, we still haven't found the three more gods, and it's been 3 weeks till we found a spot that no one is around, we built a wooden house, just a simple one that really is a fresh place to stay, "hey! I got some obsidian, should I make a portal?" ash shouted while cutting trees, "go ahead, but we don't have flint---" my words were cutted "I have one!" doonskie shouted lighting up the portal, it worked, "let's go." I whispered, everyone seems heard it
"We'll stay and guard the house" ash and bella said, we nodded and took out our weapons, we jumped in, it was big, red and full of lava, Peaches was emotionless, because she lived here till she joined us, we still don't know what we are doing here, but an explosion happened to the ground were we are standing, luckily the nether portal is still saved,
it was a ghast, 2 blaze, 45 pigmen, 5 wither skeleton and a man standing, at first they were all staring, then attacked, the man attacked peaches,
Peaches' POV
the man attacked me and drew an iron sword and tried to stab me several times, he was fast, but I keep dodging, I drew my bow and started shooting him, it hit him many times, for I have been training in years, but still, he's not giving up yet, he waved his hand and the nether mobs attacked, Isan shielded us and started casting a spell, rain of potion of harming, it hit them, they started screaming and still he is standing,
ash run towards him and got out his obsidian dagger, he slashed the man several times, the man pulled out his spear made out of Quartz, the blade is made out of gold, he spinner his spear and lighting came, he also got out his giant greatsword, "the etherion sword!" ash shouted while pointing in it,
now, I pulled my Excalibur sword and attacked him, our swords clashed, but I remembered, he has a spear too, so what I did is I drew my long gold sword, i spinned both of them and they...... merged?!?!?! , it was a giant golden sword, the diamond close to the handle was now 5 pieces, the blade became smaller, I attacked him, my sword was fast, I didn't know I could do that,
but I still have to continue, while I was fighting him, the others started shielding me from the mobs, the man almost hit me with the spear and tried to slash me with the sword, my two swords are not swords anymore, they're a glaive, so I became faster, I spinned it and spiked him until I hit him, he went down, he accidentally dropped his weapons, it didn't fall in the lava, but it was close, I pointed my glaive at him and he tried to kick me,
I dropped my glaive and it unmerge, he run towards me, but he is forgetting, I'm a mastery of bow, i shooter him with my flame arrows and obsidian bow, he got hit, he sprained his self and lied into the ground, "ok ok I'll give up!", he shouted, "ok now tell us, why did you just attacked me with no reason?" I asked and looked scary at him, "I needed your sword to complete a ritual, the resurrection of Shizuna, my eyes widened, "what's wrong?" he asked and smiled, "don't even think about it!" I kicked him the stomach and punched him at the face, "w-whyyyyyy did u have do do that!", he asked in pain, "don't resurrect her!" "ok, ok fine! my name is Akuma"
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this is the enderman slayers, there is still 11 more that I haven't animated yet, I'm ISAN