#3 Decision

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A/N: This might have some Amourshipping in it;)

Mairin's POV
It was Saturday morning and I was in an awesome dream☺️.

BEEP BEEP BEEP My phone kept ringing.

I groaned.

I grabbed my phone and Serena had texted me.

Serena: Hey. U awake?

Me: Yea thanks to you

Serena: Sorry

Me: It's fine

Serena: So, are you going to the dance?

Me: I really want to go with Alain, but that probably won't happen, why ask?

Serena: you could try but who knows, I wanted to ask Ash, should I ask him?

Me: Heck yeah!

Serena: Thanks Mairin you're the best!

Me: I know

Serena: buh-bye!

Me: bye

Well now I can go to sleep!


Since I lived on a farm, I was doing my chores of cleaning the Tepig pin.

"Hey! Mairin!" I looked over and saw Ash and Clemont.

"Hi guys" i said.

"Guess what!" Ash said.

"What?" I asked.

"Serena asked me to the dance Serena asked me to the dance!!" Ash exclaimed.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked.

"No reason." Ash stopped smiling and blushed.

"He likes Serena" Clemont said.

"CLEMONT!!!!" Ash yelled.

I giggled "Are you gonna say yes?"

"Yeah! I'll text her right now!" Ash said and got his phone out.

"So Mairin, are you gonna ask anyone to the dance?" Clemont asked.

"I-I-I don't know, why?" I blushed.

"Well I tried to ask Korrina, but I guess she didn't hear me"😔 Clemont said.

"So I was wondering if you and I could go together. I don't like you, I mean I like you as a friend but- I was wondering if you and I wanted to go, you know just as friends" Clemont was sweating and blushing.

"Of course!" I said

"Th-" Clemont was cut off by Ash's phone.


Clemont and I nodded slowly.

Then Serena ran over to us.

"Thanks so much for saying yes!!" Serena said.

"Of course!" Ash said and hugged her.

"So KAWAII!!!" I said.

Clemont turned to me "So will you come to the dance with me?" Clemont asked.

"But I thought-" I cut Serena off by covering her mouth.

"I would love to, Clemont!" I smiled.

"Thanks, Mairin" Clemont said.

"But I'm gonna help you talk to Korrina!" I snickered.

"MAIRIN!!!" Clemont blushed.

"Hey! Is Shauna going with anyone?" Serena asked.

"I think she wanted to ask Trevor" Ash said.

"Awww perfect match!" Serena said.

"Well, I better get back to cleaning, Pa's gonna get mad!" I said.

"Ok, bye!" Ash said.

"Bye!" Serena said.

"Thanks, and bye!" Clemont said.

"Bye!" I waved.

I really want to go with Alain! But I can't let Clemont down! What am I going to do??

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