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And that's where the past ends and the present begins. It has been a journey writing this story. I started this on the July 2nd and I have finished this on July 29th. This Just Write is 10,030 words long. Looking back on this story, I never thought that there were so many events in my life that influence my writing today. From elementary school to sitting on my bed right now, writing has always been within me. It just took some time for me to realize how important writing was to me.

Just a couple of days ago, my English tutor suggested some other competitions besides Scholastic that have sparked my interest. That means more writing for me! I feel like that besides this Just Write It, I haven't had a lot of time to really get back into writing like I had before. But now I have an excuse. I'll call it "tutor homework." I was in my SAT practice today and I finished before the other kids. My mind started wondering, like it always does, and then I started writing story ideas in my notebook. I started writing random bullets, but none of them were screaming at me to write about them. Then one of the was about a girl running away from a power of some sort, like a government. The minute I wrote that bullet down, I turned to the next page of the notebook and started writing immediately, imagining a desperate girl running away from her life, hoping that she could start a new one without being chained down by the government. After fifteen minutes, I wrote two pages of what will be named Runaway. It will probably end up on Wattpad so stay tuned for that.

At the moment, I am still working on The Other Side of me, but I know where I want it to go. The real challenge is the journey. I want it to be a trilogy called The Harper Chronicles. My dream is for it to be a best seller and maybe even a movie. Besides writing, acting and expressing myself has been a big part of me as well. One of the branches of my future has been acting or preforming Broadway. Choreography is also a strength of mine. I have been looking into Disney on Ice, which would be an amazing experience.

I remember at around six thousand words into this story, I got stuck. I didn't know where to really take the rest of this. I went of Wattpad and there was a video. In summary, I thank Wattpad for believing that I can accomplish a task as big as this. The video just kept saying that I just need to keep writing. Don't think, just write. I assume that's why this is called Just Write It. Just seeing what I have written in the past month gives me a kind of adrenaline rush just to go straight back into writing every day. Even though that might be hard to do in Junior year, I'll write every chance I get.

This is crazy. The song that came up in my playlist was Non-Stop from Hamilton and about three hundred words before the end of this story, the song comes back. That is what I call framing. Alexander Hamilton never gave up. He wrote some of the most significant papers of The United States of America. He started from being an unknown immigrant to becoming one of the Founding Fathers. For this story, I never gave up. In the musical they say "Look at where you are. Look at where you started." I did and I couldn't be any prouder of myself.

I hope that you guys enjoyed reading this Just Write It for July 2016 as much I enjoyed writing. If you are new to my writing, make sure you go check out my Wattpad page. If you take anything out of reading this, take this piece of valuable information that I learned from bringing myself to who I am today. Just keep writing. If you don't think you're a good writer, there are people out there that will think the complete opposite. It might take a few years for you to find those people or those people to find you. It took me a few years to finally get someone to trust that writing wasn't just a phase in my life. When you do find those people, you will be glad that you never quit. I thought that I wasn't going to go as far as I have. I started The Other Side of Me from a drawing and a crazy middle schooler's brain. I never thought a few years ago that writing was going to be a big part in my life and my future. Because I believed in myself, I have won writing awards and have been given so many opportunities that I would have never had if I quit. Just remember, history doesn't write itself. History is made by the people who have the perseverance to never stop. I hope someday you look back and see that I believed in you. Someday, your hard work will pay off. Someday, it will all be worth it.

Just you wait.

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