First time seeing you

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Do you know that feeling? You know, the one when you're nervous and you can't stop shaking. That's how I feel right now. First day at my new school and I don't know anyone here.

I should back up a bit. About nine months ago, I left my hometown in Maryland. I've lived there my entire life! Then my mom suddenly decides to move in with her ex?! Who I personally don't like.

I was getting settled in my new house in Texas. New friends, new clothes, grades improving. Then once again. We move across country. Eight months I've lived here, I'm happy, stress free. That doesn't matter though, my mom wanted to move so we did.

My mom, myself, my two dogs, and her "boyfriend" pack up into a car and left. It took us five days to get here. Indiana.

We spent about a week in a nasty motel then we found a beautiful house. Biggest house I've ever lived in.

It's been about a month since we left Texas and I'm just now getting back into school. Last year of middle school with about four weeks left. New school, new people. I'm not very social so I know this'll be hard.

First day.

I walk in and get a small tour of my classes. The kid walking me around is nice and okay looking but not my type. At the end of the tour he takes me to 3rd period. "Science is fun!" I thought. As I was walking to my seat, one of the kids stopped me.
"Hi I'm Andrew!" He put his hand forward to shake mine.
"Lukas." I shook his hand. It's was warm, and kinda comforting.
I went and took my seat and the day went by pretty easy, people asking to see my schedule and usual 'new kid' stuff.

Second day.

I had been meeting new people as I went by. Some seemed nice and some seemed bad. I stayed away from the bad kids. I had met this really sweet, quiet girl named Liv. We started hanging out more, and she introduced me to some more people.

She was walking me to the next class and told me to wait.
"For what?" I said quietly.
"My friend Seth" She replied ecstatically.
This cute, shorter boy walked up to us.
When I looked at him everything seemed more colorful. They talked but I was too shy to introduce myself. So Liv did it for me.
"This is Lukas, you guys should be friends." She said pushing me towards him.
"H-hi." I greeted him shyly.
"Hey, I'm Seth. Nice to meet you."

We parted ways and Liv said they were good friends.
"Is he gay?" I asked bluntly.
"Yeah? How could you tell?" She seemed very curious.
"Takes one to know one I guess." I said in a funny voice.

She seemed surprised when I said that but didn't say anything about it. The next few days had been going smoothly. Getting closer to Liv and Seth, meeting more people. Hanging out with Andrew occasionally.

I started to realize I liked Seth, the first time seeing him I didn't think about it, but after getting to know him I started feeling more strongly about him. I'm too nervous to say anything though. Maybe he likes me back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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