A day in the life of Xero

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It's Saturday, the best day of the week. You can sleep in and pretty much do nothing... Until Charmander gets hungry and demands breakfast. I was having this great dream, when all the sudden, Charmander breaks free of his Pokeball and jumps on my stomach.

"Ahh!! Charmander!!" I shout, he never quite understood the concept of Saturday's. I gently push him off of me and pull the covers over my head. He sits there and scowls at me and starts to push me until I'm almost fallen out of bed.

"Fine! You win!" I groan in defeat as I now have to leave the safety and warmth of my bed. I trudge downstairs to see my mom and little sister downstairs eating what looked like waffles. Charmander accidentally nudges me and I fall down about half of the stairs. I can hear my sister panic on what to do, who to call and if I need to be hospitalized. I slowly sit up and wipe a bit of the blood coming from my nose.

"Great..." I mumbled, today was just gonna be awesome...

"Deary are you ok?" Asked my mom. She stands me up and I walk over to the sink to see the warm water already running. She hands me a little cloth and I do my best to fix my nose. My sister walks over and her jaw drops.

"Whoa..." Is all she managed to say as her blue eyes look at my face.

"What are staring at?" I asked her. She just kinda tilts her head, as if not to sure on how to respond. She runs over and picks up a little mirror and hands it to me. I nearly drop it when I realize that not only did I hit my nose, I also somehow gave myself a black eye. Why cruel world why!!! I hand her back her mirror and decide that it's better to just spend the rest of my life inside. I get to the foot of the stairs to see a really guilty looking Charmander in my way. I was furious for about ten second but the he gave me those big green 'I'm sorry' eyes and my anger just kinda faded away. He runs over and hugs my leg and I can hear my mom awing in the background and saying something about getting her camera. I pick Charmander up and walk him over to the food bowl. I run upstairs to grab everyone else and throw all of my pokeballs down the stairs. Ghastly, Pidgey, Charmander, Eevee and Nidoran sat patently at their food bowls and I rushed back down the stairs, careful not to trip this time and fill the bowls up. I walk over to the stove where mom is finishing the last batch of waffles. She hands me a plate of waffles and I thank her and sit down. I pour a ton of syrup all over my waffles and practically inhale it.

"How did it smell?" Asked my sister in a mocking tone. I don't have time for her dumb jokes today. I clean my plate off and return everyone to their pokeballs. I grab my scarf and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, remembering the black eye. Great, what do I do with this! I had to think of something, I can't just say I fell down the stairs! Everyone will think I'm some kinda idiot. I was attacked! Attacked by... Um a flock of spearow that had gotten into my room! Yeah. I had to fight them off with my bare hands! This will work, who's the idiot now!

Now that I had an excuse for my black eye, I walked outside. It was a nice day, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and a gently breeze kept it from getting to hot outside. I hear some girl giggling and talking about something as one of them slowly walked up to me.

"Good morning ladies~ how are you this wonderful morning?" I ask, drawing there attention and causing the girl in front to blush. They didn't seem to notice the black eye. Score!

"I-I um... I-I wa-as wind-d-dering if y-you-" I grasp her hand in my own and her face turns and even brighter shade of red. Her stammering got worse and I just smiled, knowing exactly what to do and how to do it. Her friend popped out from behind her, a little flustered herself.

"She was wondering if you would like to go on a date?" She was barely able to say the sentence without stuttering. I let go of her hand and sigh.

"Oh well you see I'm not really looking for a relationship right now, but" I shot them my killer smile "has anyone told you how pretty you are?~" that was probably all the poor girl could take because she practically fainted and her friends had to haul her away. A blond catches my eye and I swear my heart almost jumped out of my chest. Avery's running around looking for something, a look of sheer distress on her face. I continued to watch in amusement as she looks in trees, under benches and pretty much anywhere she can. She looks up and we make eye contact for about three seconds before she storms up and grabs me by the scarf.

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