Chapter Five

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Dedication: Heather_Dianne for the amazing cover! Thank you!


I moved my face just in time for her to just clip my nose. Her knuckles jabbed into my cheek bone and it hurt like hell. White, hot pain burned at my face and I sagged to the ground. My body was jerking. She spat, the liquid landing on my clothes.

"Crawl back into whatever hole you came from, white trash."

With that, she strode from the bathroom, the other two trailing behind her.

Just because I needed another reason to dislike Owen.


I grimaced, staring at my face. It. Was. Ugly. Maybe Owen won't like me as much now? One can only hope.

I thought about not making an appearance at school today, but that would make me look weak. Which I am in some ways, but not when it comes to Amelia and her wannabe gang.

At least she did the hitting herself. It was pathetic that she had to have help, but it would have been even more so if she couldn't even do the deed herself. So points for that, I guess.

The skin had broken form the force and did not stop bleeding for ages. It was really annoying. Dad told me to 'knock the bastard's head in' and mum wants to pull me out of school. That would be want Amelia wants, so no, that is not going to happen. I would like to graduate and go to university.

To study what, I don't know, but graduating at least would be a good start.

"Which one was it? Hmm?" dad asked, surveying the clumps of school kids milling at the front gates. "I'll give them a talking to you, believe me!"

"Oh my God, dad," I groaned. He insisted on driving me to school, which was a first. "I can fight my own battles."

"I know, but let me know if you need me to rough anyone up."

"Er-right. I'll do that." I slid from the car and hauled my bag with me. "Thanks for the ride. Later."

"Love you," he called as I shut the door.

He did a humiliating skid as he pulled from curb and I ducked my head. Way to score me some cool points, dad. Grumbling to myself, I skulked into school, wanting to be anywhere but here.

Not that I had anywhere else particularly exciting to go.

"Hey what happened yesterday?" Marissa frowned, rummaging through her bag. "I waited and tried to call you but – oh my God! What happened to your face?"

I scowled, shaking my hair over my face. I purposely left it down for that reason, although it annoyed me to no end and all I wanted to do was brush it back. "Nothing."

"That's not nothing!" she exclaimed, her tone too high pitched for my liking.

"Shh!" I scolded, my eyes darting around. "Stop making a big deal out of it."

"Did... did something... I don't mean to pry..." Marissa asked, biting her lip, looking nervous. "Did something happen at home?"

"What? No, of course not." I said, shaking my head. "God no, I don't get abused or anything."

"Oh, good, thank God," Marissa said, blowing out her breath. "I don't know what I would have done if you said otherwise."

"No, all good," I said with a small smile.

"What really did happen? You can tell me."

"Promise not to tell any teachers or anything? Because I can handle it myself."

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