The First Part

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Still Hermione's P.O.V and will be until I say not
I grabbed my suitcase and purse.
"Draco are you ready" "Yeah" He walked in eating a green apple. "Honey you look amazing." I smiled "And so do you Draco" I took a sip of my frappuccino. "So I got Violet you get Harry" I said. He nodded. I run to Violet's room. It was pink and had roses on the wall. "Hey Vi. Time to get ready" I grabbed her outfit
"Mommy you look pretty." "Thanks baby girl so do you"
"Mum how do I look" Autumn came in. "Perfect" I said. "Mom don't tell me that's what your wearing" "For now yes. Tonight no" I walked into the kitchen and draco had Harry. "Really. I look like a dork" He said to Draco. "A handsome dork. Just like your father" I said. "Hey." Draco called. "Sorry but it's true" I smiled. "I am not as much of a dork as you Ms.Libray." "Hey that's Mrs.Libray." I kissed him. "Eeww" My three darling kids said. "Oh be quiet" "Okay let's go" Violet said. I grabbed Violet and Autumn. Draco grabbed Harry. I apparted to Hogwarts. I sat down braiding Violet's hair. I finally  saw Draco. Looking at him I laughed. "I was always faster than you" I playfully shoved him. "I would have been here but he had to use the bathroom twice" I chuckled at my son. He blushed madly. "Shut Up" Autumn punched him. We wanted to the entrance. McGonagall was there greeting everyone. "Ms.Granger, Mr.Malfoy welcome back." "Well it's Mrs.Malfoy" McGonagall looked shocked but smiled. "Congratulations Hermione,Draco. And these are your children I'm guessing" "Why yes. This cutie pie is Harridan Abraxas Malfoy" Harry was red. "Don't call me Harridan" I ignored him. "This girl is his twin Autumn Ginevra Malfoy" Draco said. "The Fashionable one" I chuckled. "And she is our youngest Violet Narcissa-Jane Malfoy" Vi showed off her dimples. "Well i'm looking forward to them coming to Hogwarts. "That's next year for us" The twins said. "And I'm going to be in the best house Gryffindor" Harry said. "No Slytherin is the best" Autumn argued. They bicker about this everyday. "Well Hermione until it starts you can go to one of the common rooms. The password for each one is their founder" I smiled at her thankfully. "Come on we are going to the Slytherin common room." "No the Gryffindor common room" Did I say Autumn and Harry bicker well... "No way we are going to the Slytherin common room. I am the boss" Draco said. "Please we all know I'm the boss. So we are going to the Gryffindor common room" "No Slytherin" "No Gryffindor" "Slytherin" "Gryffindor" "Slythe-" Draco was cut of Violet. "Mommy,Daddy can I chose a common room" She looked at us with her doe like eyes. Oh so cute. "Of course sweetheart" She smiled so brightly I swear it could light up a 60 ft. tall Christmas tree. She pulled on our sleeves and dragged us. Later on we were somewhere under Hogwarts. "Ha. Hermione told you we were going to Slytherin.. Wait Violet the Slytherin common room is that way. I thought we were going there" Violet giggled. "Silly daddy of course not. We are going to the Hufflepuff common room" "But" Me and Draco said "No Buts. We are going wether you like it or not. Now be quiet" Me and Draco just glared at each other. "And no angry stares" I darted my eyes down. "Here it is. Helga" The portrait of a Badger opened up. "I chose the room" Autumn yelled. She ran to the right side. "Wait for me" Vi yells "I pick the boys one" Harry almost tripped up the stairs. "Wait a second. Did Violet just boss us around" "I think she did" We looked at each other "Woah" "This place is so cool. Vi how did you know anything about it" Autumn yelled. "Well when I spent the week with Uncle Neville he took me here and I slept in my room" "Wait a second. I've been looking for a room when you had one the whole time." "Well take us to it" We followed Vi to a book shelf. "Vi this is a book shelf" She smiled a cute yet cocky one. Just like her father's. She grabbed a book and opened it to a page and guess what. There was a picture of me. Aw. She ripped it out. Never mind. She put it her arms up and Autumn picked her up. She put it on a square board. And the whole bookshelf opened. And I saw a beautiful room

"Hi cam" Vi ran to a Teddy bear

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"Hi cam" Vi ran to a Teddy bear. "Good to be home"

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