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After many months of hard work, the CEO of Pledis declared that Soojung was to debut as a solo artist. Not wanting to seem picky, she agreed to debut by herself. Her fear of being alone onstage was kept a secret. Nonstop days and nights were put into perfecting everything.

It was the fifth day in a row that the up and coming idol hadn't gotten enough sleep. The dark undereye circles and eyebags were concealed with makeup to make her friend, not worry about her well-being.

"You've been training for way too long, let's go get some ice cream," Minghao begged after watching Soojung dance to her debut song with full power. "We can go after it's perfect," she muttered, restarting the song to practice it again.

He bit his lip in annoyance once the song that had been playing for the past ten hours repeated again. Before she could begin the choreography, he stopped the stereo. Soojung was beyond pissed at him for disturbing her practice. She turned to the culprit, ready to lash out at him but the Chinese male beat her by hugging the stressed girl.

"You're pushing yourself so that you can be perfect right?" he whispered, still clutching onto his junior. She nodded, not trusting her voice. "Nobody can sing perfectly. Nobody can dance perfectly. Nobody can be perfect. So why are you trying so hard? You're perfect to me. All your flaws and mistakes are perfect to me. That's why I like you."

Soojung was shocked at his statement. The way his heart beat against her ear was an obvious reason that his words were true. Hesitantly, she lifted her arms up from her side and hugged the male back, as if she was saying that she accepted his confession.

He taught me that I didn't have to be perfect, with love.

With Love - Xu MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now