Chapter 1

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"Pssssst! Lila! Lila, wake up!" whispered the 5 year old little Prince. He tried to shake his sister awake and push her out of her bed, but all attempts to wake her were in vain. He frowned and got up on the bed on top of Lila. Lila's eyes were still closed, but she smiled and said, "Aleeexxx, go back to sleep." It was a summer night and and the heat made Lila drowsy. "I just can't! I wanna see you do the magic!" Alex replied, laying on top of Lila. She wasn't convinced and just sleepily turned over. Alex wasn't one to give up. He smiled, tried to open one of her eyes, and asked, "Do you wanna plant some flowers?" Lila opened her eyes and smiled.

In the next few minutes, Alex and Lila were racing down the stairs to the throne room. "C'mon c'mon c'mon!" whispered Alex as Lila tried to shush him, "Do the magic do the magic!" Lila giggled at her brother's eagerness and started to move her hands in a spherical motion. Green, yellow, and white sparkles started to form and grow into a bigger mass of energy in her hands. Soon, she had her magic. It was alive with her energy and power. She smiled as she looked at Alex and asked, "Ready?" Alex nodded eagerly. Lila then closed her eyes and concentrated. The sphere exploded out of her hands and upwards towards the ceiling. Pollen and seeds fell from where the magic had gone. Alex giggled in happiness and Lila smiled in wonder at her own ability. The seeds and pollen landed on the floor and Lila knew what to do. She closed her eyes, lifted up her foot, and stomped it on to the ground firmly. Grass, flowers, and plants of various kinds popped up from the ground where the seeds and pollen had
landed. Alex laughed out loud in amazement. He loved it when his sister made magic!
Lila and Alex had been playing for hours in their homemade garden. Ever since she was born, Lila had the elemental power over earth and plants. Her parents had discovered this when she was a baby. They were on a family outing, when Lila caught sight of a butterfly on a beautiful rose that hadn't bloomed yet. Her mother and father, Queen Alicia and King Deidrick, caught sight of their daughter's wonder. Her father stood up and walked away from their picnic spot, and brought the rose back to the giggling baby. As he gave her the rose the queen began to say, "Deidrick, be careful! The thorns could hurt the baby!" But as Lila held the rose in her tiny hand, the thorns dissolved into the stem and the rose bloomed to its fullest. The king and queen watched in amazement as all this took place. As she grew older, they noticed that she could cause plants to spontaneously grow anywhere. Her favorite ones were roses and ivy vines. They also noticed that whenever she was unhappy the plants would wither, and when she was angry the plants would sprout thorns and grow larger.

Ever since she had been born, she had had these powers. She didn't know of anyone else that had powers like her, or just---magical powers in particular. "Lila! Lila!" called Alex, as he was climbing up a tree, "Make me a vine swing!! I wanna be Tarzan!"
Lila shook herself out of her thoughts and giggled at her little brother's request. "Hang on!" she told him as she conjured a beautiful swing from the tree, made with vines and the roots of tiny flowers embed into it. "Wheeeee!!" Alex exclaimed as he jumped and swung on his new toy. Lila loved his playfulness, and made a thick vine appear from the ceiling. Alex gave his best Tarzan yell, and jumped from his swing to the vine in front of
him. "Again!" he shouted, and swung off of the vine quicker than he swung on. "Wait slow down I can't keep up!!!" Lila shouted, concerned and fearful for her brother's safety. She tried making another vine appear after two more she created from the ceiling, but she tripped over the root of the tree as she walked backwards. As she fell, she tried to aim her magic at the space in front of the swinging Alex. "Alex!!!" she cried out in fear. Her aim was hindered by the fall, and she hit Alex's head instead. He fell to the floor, unconscious. The last thing he remembered was his sister's scream as the ground came closer to his vision, then darkness.

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