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Stars, cosmos, asteroids, and all things aesthetically pleasing about the universe seem to be out of reach when you're stuck on a planet. Not for the spacecraft in the distance, about thirty light-years away from Pekopon. The figure inside was star-gazing, eyes reflecting every twinkle and shine the stars made. The galaxies churning and swirling into different shapes and sizes, all with unique colors. This spacecraft slide by all this, taking in the spectacular views. The figure inside was leaning back in a comfy chair, feet propped up on the dash full of buttons and dials that do numerous things. This particular character huffed in relaxation, "Wow...never knew space was so pretty." Their arms stretched behind their head. Popping and cracking sounds emit from this character as they lean further back, ready to sleep in this peaceful silence.
"AAAHH-" Thump. They landed face down halfway out of the chair, cutting off their startled cry. Groaning, they rose from the cold floor, readjusted themselves in the chair and glared at the wailing alarm. "Oh, what now?! Can't I get a break around here..." They mumbled, pulling up a projected screen revealing a message from their superiors. "What?" They read over the message, again and again, processing every detail. "The...Keroro Platoon? Who are they?" They shook their heads, "It doesn't matter. They need help," They brought up their steering wheel with a simple button press. "Don't worry, I'm coming." Pushing more buttons and turning dials, they revved up this spacecraft.
"Gero gero gero..." Keroro, a green frog giggled, his little body stood on a small wooden table. Surrounding him were his fellow comrades: Giroro, a grumpy red frog with a scar on his right eye, huffed in annoyance and continued to polish his gun; Tamama, an eager dark-blue little tadpole with a cute demeanor, admired his leader with big, sparkly eyes; Kululu, the odd yellow frog, paid no mind to the others and typed feverishly on his laptop and Dororo, a light-blue frog with an unnerving gaze, stood unnoticed in the corner, wondering what his leader was doing. "This is the best invasion plan I have yet!" He hopped off the table and pulled up a chalkboard, seemingly out of nowhere. "I call it Operation: Steal All Of The Gunpla Figures!" He grinned proudly at his teammates. "That's the dumbest plan I've ever heard come out of that stupid mouth of yours," Giroro grunted, not meeting his superior's gaze. "You haven't given it a chance yet!"
"Don't need to, it involves something irrelevant to an actual invasion."
"That's not true!" Keroro fumed, pointing to the corporal, "Gunpla is the very foundation of Pekopon's economy, without it, they would crumble!" He curled his fingers into fists and slammed them on the table, shaking it slightly. "Ku ku.." The head behind the laptop screen cleared his throat, "It would be lovely if you two didn't break my concentration with your mindless bickering." He adjusted his glasses, sending a chill through the room. Keroro and Giroro immediately dropped the argument. The leader continued explaining his elaborate plan to them and Giroro went back to polishing his gun. The meeting went on as normal, the argument was never brought up and Dororo still went unnoticed. Well, it was almost normal. Kululu checked the status of the letter he sent. "Ku ku ku~" he snickered quietly, "Seems like they got the memo." "Who got what memo?" Tamama perked up, just barely hearing him. "Nothing, brat." He replied curtly. He cursed the brat mentally for sticking his stupid tadpole nose in his business. Tamama lost interest and turned his attention back to Keroro's rambling. Kululu just couldn't wait for tomorrow, the thought just made him drool with anticipation. The look on their face when they find out. Oooooh! Did he just get chills? As Kululu fantasized about his evil doings, Dororo watched the strange yellow frog shiver and shake. He sensed something peculiar was going to happen and that Kululu would be the one to blame...but, it wasn't as bad as he thought. Dororo closed his eyes, soaking in the aura of the situation. He felt confusion, sadness, and anger. Then, there was something else stronger than the three, happiness, perhaps? Whatever it was, he would watch this man trip and fall. He just prayed that his weird friend would make it in the long run.

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