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*short joel imagine* (lowercase and bad writing intended because I'm lazy rn sooo)

"come on gizelle! we need to get onto the caticorn to save the tacolandia!" joel yelled pointing his finger where tacolandoa was located.

"you are right," i replied hanging on to joels waist. we were both on the caticorn hanging on for dear life because if we didn't survive the ride there how we're we supposed to save the innocent citizens of tacolandia?

after long agonizing hours of being on the caticorn we landed in the middle of the battlefield where the burritos were fighting the tacos.

"yo we got this! don't fear my fellow taco friends," i said fighting off the burritos by chopping them in half with my knife. I saw joel fighting the rest of the burritos until we were both done.

all the surviving tacos congratulated us for saving their dear lives. Our caticorn meowed telling us she was hungry.

"it is alright my fellow tacos. we just want something to eat because we are-"

"starving," joel interrupted me.

"why thank you for bien polite joel," I replied sarcastically.

"you know you still love me gizelle," he smiled receiving food from the tacos that led us to the taco castle.

"no I love caticorns duh," i said

his face fell when I said that. "I'm kidding joel I love you too."

"me too," he laughed .

after a huge feast with the taco citizens one of the wise old tacos (not to say moldy) stood up claiming joel and i to be the taco kind and queen.

"wait is this legit?" I asked chewing some spaghetti. some of the spaghetti was hanging out of joels face.

"yes accept this. we have no other way to pay you back," the wise old moldy taco said.

and ever since that day joel and i were the taco king and queens.


What in the world is this. This is what happens when you don't sleep and you're hungry 😂😂 vote and comment? Do you guys any more short and funny imagined to be posted here too? Idk comment 😂

Oh and by the way caticorns are life so if you don't like them don't talk to me just talk to fist 'cause the face is gonna be pissed. Gotta blast chicas

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