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It all started at the airport, the day she was supposed to leave the place she called home to start fresh in life, to leave all the bad memories and the negative part of her life behind. That was the day she met him. The day which she didn't know that would change het life.

He was stunning. Handsome. Cameras wouldn't stop flashing as he walked out of the airport, doning simply casual clothing. A tee, jeans and sneakers. As he smiled at his sea of fans waiting to for him, the paparazzi , who in no doubt, would not stop writing about him, it was like the angels were singing and he was proof of them.

He was beyond perfect. The definition of a god.

He was one of the most attractive idols right now along with his group. Spectacularly, a year since their debut, they didn't fail to melt the hearts of millions of fans that cheered them on every single day and she knew that she was soon to be a part of them if he won't stop smiling at everyone who comes his way.

She couldn't stop staring at him like all the other girls, thinking how their worlds were so different and so she wanted to cherish the moment for it was the moment where she considered for once in her life, she was, in a way, happy.

Her breath stopped as he suddenly turned to her direction and their eyes met, lingering as if time stopped just for them. His tired yet happy eyes looking into her curiosity-filled yet broken ones. Wondering who was the person who caught her full attention, she didn't hesitate to walk towards him to get a full view of his face, considering her short height for she was only 5'2.

Suddenly snapping her back into reality was the sound of the announcing intercom that her flight was leaving in an hour. She turned back to walk away into her new life forever, but not without sparing one more glance at him.

For a 19-year old Korean native, also a fresh graduate of dance moving into a new environment seemed so surreal to her, almost unreal that she was able to hold on for so long. Those thoughts filled her head as she stepped into her new home, a perfectly sized flat for a reasonable price.

Australia offered her a lot of jobs considering how many dancing companies needed a dance teacher/choreographer. Dancing was her forte, her only happiness back then. But now, he was somehow a part of it.

She took a job in a near dance company and she loved her job very much. She got to teach young kids how to dance and even choreograph their competition pieces every now and then. She was content with her life, but in her heart, she felt that something was missing.

What was it?

She didn't know.

The days, weeks, months passed and she didn't fail to forget the face of the god that left a permanent memory on her heart and mind. Luck on her side, they were going to have a fanmeet and she wanted to give him a letter to thank him for being the light in her life even for just a short time. So, as soon as work ended with a pen and paper, she began writing.

The day of the fanmeet came, two days later. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins and nervousness was really evident on her petite face. Looking down at her black and white sweater, leggings and flats, she wasn't sure if she was presentable enough as she waited in line for his private tent. She didn't even know his name and she felt so stupid at the one she gave him.

"Hi." Were the first words that she said when finally, it was her turn to enter his tent. Clutching the letter tightly behind her back, she took a deep breath. "I don't know if you remember me, but I just wanted to give you this letter to thank you. If I hadn't seen you that day, I wouldn't be wearing a smile on my face every day no matter the situation. Please read it whenever you want to."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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