Chapter Three: A Date?

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[Aida in media above]

"Any questions?"  Aida stared around the board room. Where directors, potential investors and colleagues sat. In this room, the opinions of all the parties present would determine whether or not she could even continue with the project. Aida knew this idea was crazy, no other company had ever attempted to do what she was proposing.
"I like it." Mr. Chan, the biggest potential investor, said. "I like the idea, I the numbers I see." He smiled.
"Miss Kimani, you understand the amount of money you are asking for is almost ridiculous. It's a huge risk to take on a 'maybe'." Aida fought the urge to click her tongue at David Ville.

[David Ville in media above]

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[David Ville in media above]

David Ville is the thorn in Aida's side, her competitor, even though they are both posted in the same position, they have been bitter enemies since the start. David is, admittedly, a household name in the fashion world and talented in his work, but he was a pain in the ass. Until Aida came along, David never had to share his power or position with anybody, but Aida had scratched her way to the top in a span of three years (which is quite short), she earned  her position; she never played dirty, she was brutally honest and hardworking. However, people like David didn't think so. Aida was the American nightmare; a strong, young, opinionated, black woman, a foreigner, who also happens to be gay. People like David despised people like Aida, and are forever scheming ways to sabotage her.
"A 'maybe'?" Aida chuckled. "Mr. Ville, I'm unfamiliar with that word-"
"-I'll make it easy for you. A 'maybe' means that there's a chance that our money will be wasted because the project will collapse." Aida fought the urge to roll her eyes at his condescending attitude.
"Thank you Mr. Ville, but the only reason I can't seem to familiarize myself with the word 'maybe' is because a 'maybe' implies doubt, a 'maybe' implies the possibility of failure. I don't know about you, Mr. Ville, but I do not doubt my work, or my research, and I do not tolerate any failure." Aida said.
"Rather arrogant for you to say Miss Kimani." Aida then turned her attention to her boss, Mr. Cliff.


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[Mr. Cliff in media above]

Unlike David, Mr. Cliff  didn't discriminate on the grounds of nationality or gender or sexual orientation, (on the contrary, Mr. Cliff is a feminist, who strongly advocated for equality across the board) Mr. Cliff  discriminated on the grounds of experience. Why should someone, a fresh out of college graduate, an inexperienced person, hold the position Aida did? Or  have the authority that Aida did? Most people her age worked as managers or researchers on the ground, not Directors. Even standing in this room Aida was surrounded by men and women aged in their mid-thirties going up, with the exception of Mr. Chan, who was only twenty-seven (and a millionaire). Luckily for Aida, Mr. Cliff was third in command, two positions under the CEO, he couldn't fire her without the blessing of the board even if he wanted to.
"I beg to differ. You see, Mr. Cliff, our company is already sitting on golden eggs. Our potential has been growing at an exponential rate in the past three years. The Epicene Project will not only be a roaring success for its diversity, but for its creativity. Virtually none of our competitors have come anywhere near this idea. We will be leading the hallmark trend for the next decade." Aida said. As she spoke, all around the room, she felt the tide shift in her favor, the investors were grinning at the numbers and at each other, nodding in agreement.
"Alright, Miss. Kimani, Mr. Ville, give us a moment." Mr. Cliff dismissed. Aida and David carried themselves out. Aida knew she couldn't afford to miss this appointment. Both David and Aida had been working on new project ideas for months to present to the board. If Aida was to miss this meeting, it would give David a huge advantage over her, he'd have more time to convince the board against her. David's work, while good, was cliché, Aida on the other hand had proposed something entirely different, and honestly wasn't sure about whether the board would agree but she'd have to take the risk and find out. Whichever project the board would decide on, would be the project they would bring to Fashion Week in Paris, the mastermind behind the project would get the company funds for resources, and their project would be the main focus for the next six months, while the other project would be trashed.
"Do you really think the board is going to pick your project?" David laughed. Here we go again with his childish banter.
"I don't 'think' David, I know." Aida shot back.
"Come on, who the hell would want to promote a clothing line like that? I get it, you are a dyke, you want to support your community but through fashion? Really? It's weird. I thought you were smarter than that. Even you know it would've been safer doing floral prints alone-"
"-That's the difference between you and me David. I'm an artist. Fashion is an art. I create. I inspire. Unlike you, I'm never content with mediocre. I don't play safe." Aida glared. David opened his mouth but shut it almost immediately, as one of the junior investors stepped outside and motioned them back in.
"Both the ideas were well thought out, well planned, and presented in an impeccable fashion." Mr. Cliff said.
"So impeccable that none of the board members could not agree on which one to chose, so..." Mr. Chan said. Aida held her breath. This is it. "...we decided to fund both projects for the next three months as a test run. Which ever project seems the most promising after those three months, will be granted the full sum to finish the project ."

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