Chapter 6

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Louis' P.O.V.

Non of the boys know about Zayn in fact I am actually glad they're all quite heavy sleepers for once. I look at Zayn as he slipped his tea staring at his cup. The heat from the tea was noticeable. The steam poured out of the mug of the freshly made tea. The room was quiet. It's was more of those awkwardly quiet moments. Neither me or Zayn knew exactly what to say to each other. We never talked in person since he left the band. It's was always a phone call or a Skype call that was about it. It was going on 5am and I felt so tired Zayn has only been here for about an hour. The minute he walked in the house he went straight to the kitchen to make some tea and me being the not so light sleeper of te house hold heard the kennel go off and cussing coming from the kitchen. I had went to investigate. That's when I discover Zayn. We said our greetings sat down with our tea and haven't said anything since. But now I think it's the best time to break that silence.

"What are we going to do about Liam's break down Zayn?" Zayn looks up at me. He looks like he wants to say something but he doesn't. Still no reply after a good ten minutes so I continue.

"Its not like Liam to just get out of something like this Zayn. He has always been one to take what he deserves, Liam knows what he does is wrong the minute his eyes meet mine. There's absoultly no reason for him to fake something like this."

"Louis.. I'll find out what is going on okay? I see what you mean after thinking about it, I agree with you, Liam wouldn't make this up and if he did then he is in major trouble." Zayn's says.

"Zayn he has been denying it when ever I ask so maybe you should really try to push it out of him?" I suggest, I hate for Liam to be punished like that. But it's the only one to figure this out.

"Oh trust me Louis I'll get him to confess, trust me on this."

The conversation quickly died off and I tap my home button to turn my screen on so it would show me the time. 7:29 A.M. my phone read.

"So should we start breakfast?" Zayn nods. So we start pulling out what we needed and began to cook.

The breakfast we made was quite a large one bigger then we usually have. Which is usually just a bowl of cereal or a banana or some kind of fruit and out the door. This morning we had time to actually make something since we were on a small break.

We made bacon, sauage, pancakes; blueberry, plain, and chocolate chips, then we made some toast sauage gravy and biscuits and grits and last but not least eggs; scrabbled and sunny side up. After we made everything we set it out on the table it only took us a good hour to make everything so it's only a matter of time before it gets cold. We finish the setting the table with setting the plates and silverware out with glasses of Orange juice for everyone. Then me and Zayn traded a look.

"Whos getting the monsters up?" I asked.

"How about we both do it."

"Okay I'll get Niall and Harry and you can get Liam." Zayn gives me and eye roll.

"Yes, leave me with waking up the worst of them all."

"Hey! Niall and Harry are worst then Liam for your information I'm saving you the trouble! Plus there's two of them and one of me you are evened out."

"Whatever.." Zayn says before making his way upstairs I smile following right behind him. I watch as he makes his way quietly into Liams room. It was my turn to roll my eyes at him. Armature. I bust into Nialls room and over to his bed. Instead of him sleeping. He was on his phone he looks at me and smiles.

"Food done?" I nod.

He starts to get up but I stop him.

"Make your bed and get dressed before coming downstairs and I will check Horan so don't try to half-ass it." I hear a groan as I walk out of my room and into Harry's. He who is actually still asleep I sit on the edge of the bed and bring the covers down a little to expose his back so I can rub it gently

"Come on Hazza, time to get up breakfast is ready." I spoke quietly. He started to stir a little in discomfort of my hand touching his back. If there's one thing Harry don't like it's people touching his back. That's why I'm I'm rubbing it.

"Mm Louis sto..m it" he mumbled.

"Not til you are up getting dress and makeing your bed bud." I rub for another 30 seconds before he moves around the turns his head and looks at me.

"M up. I am not getting dress till your out of here I'll be down in ten."

"Alright then hurry I have a surprise for you."

I heard a quiet mumble but I didn't bother asking about what he said and just made my way towards Liam's room. I heard some talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying so I knock on the door. Then made my way into the room.

No one acknowledged me standing in the door way. I was shocked at what I was even looking it.

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