Capricorn (contest)

45 4 5


Pen Name: Kandi, Kitty, Retard... Yeah, let's go with Kandi.

Why I'm fit: I'm a very hardworking person, and actually put effort into the things I do *glares at people ignoring their homework*. I work well with people, if they're nice to me, and can be flexible. I enjoy trying new things, and think the zodiac is cool! (The rest of astronomy can die, it ruined my straight a streak!)

My inspiration: My Graphic Senpai's! otakuinglasses _rosyalice to name some! Also, I have a friendly rivalry with my twin Noble_Royalty! Mainly, I take inspiration from other editors! (What are we called?)

100%?: Yep! (=^•^=)

I did my sign! In the back, are some words to describe us Capricorn's! Then, are symbol, a sea goat girl (are animal is kinda strange. Like, a sea goat?) And words!

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