Chapter 1

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Merlin awoke to what seemed a beautifull day, the sun was up, the birds were singing, and best of all, Arthur had been in such a good mood for the last couple of days it almost seemed unreal. Slowly lumbering out of bed calmlly as if in a dream he reached for the door to the main room, but something stopped him. A dark, ancient voice spoke in merlin's mind. "Emures!" It boomed "Meet me when it is the next whole moon, I have learnt of something which is embined into your destiny!" With a shock to the unfamiliar but recognisable voice Merlin nearly fell to his bed.

As merlin wearilly recoverd from his experience Gaius fumbeld into the room and calmlly anounced that breakfast was ready. To Merlin's delight he pushed what had just happend to the back of his mind and made his way to the bench, to which he found two bowls of porridge waiting.

Normally Merlin would of dicussed what the dragon had spoke to him but with a mighty bang, Agravain opend the door with a mock sence of aprehension on his face. "The king amediatlly requires you both in the throne room" and with that Agravain nervouslly wallked away. Gaius slowlly turned to Merlin and they both knew Agravain was hideing something. Swiftlly Merlin and Gaius made there way to the throne room but to only find the king pacing beside his mighty throne. "Were at war" Arthur said anxiouslly.

Merlin and Gaius both let out a small gasp of worry as this would be Arthur's first time as king to fight a war. Gaius quicklly stammerd "At war sire...? But how can this be?" Arthur stronglly replied "Word has gotten out of my *hrmm* weakness dateing a serving girl" "Gwen" Merlin stupidlly added. Regretting what he had just said Merlin evacuated the room with great haste as he had already been warned about mentioning what had happend between Arthur and Gwen. "Sedrid's kingdom demanded several of camelot's teritories" Continued Arthur.  "Outrageous!" Gaius Blurted. "Which when I spoke with Sedrid he then demanded war for them" Gaius tried to move the subject of war as he senced Arthur's discontent at the thought "But may I ask why you have called me in here sire?"  Arthur replied "Gaius, you are one of my oldest and wise friends, and one of the most thoughtfull I know off. Which is why I seek your councel."  The thought made Gaius more stern than usual "Prehaps the comitte may have a stronger input, I am only the court phsyician. "True" Arthur added "I will consult with them as well, but your opinion is still vaild in my eyes." Sencing that his mind was set, Gaius said "I think it may be best to have word of this with the comitee, so we come to a more... accuarte cource of action." With that Arthur nodded for Gauis to take leave, so he respectivley bowed and backed out of the room in silence.

Merlin had heard the whole thing, he managed to hear through the heavy stone which seperated the rooms. Gaius shuffeld out of the throne room and both of them thought the exact same thing, "Come along Merlin" Gaius said pushilly, "We need to get some supplies from the forest and then I beleive the king will need you by his side." "As much as he will deny it" Merlin interupted. "Maybe so but one day it is your destiny that you will help make camelot great and doing so you two will become the best of friends" Gaius nobelly added. To which merlin had no responce as he too knew that of his destiny. All of a sudden a litter of wounded knights were rushed into the throne room and with a grim look on his face Gaius with a look of terror smeared on his face reluctantlly said "It's begun already."

Arthur was shocked to find some knights he had recentlly knighted to be wounded in many diffrent places. In sheer concern Arthur went over to see if they were okay. All they would seem to say was " many.." Then at which they faintend from exhaustion and pain. "Gaius...he must know how to help them" Arthur said under his voice. He then orderd one of the guards outside the throne room to fetch Gaius to give them some kind of cure or medicine.

By this time Gaius and Merlin had only just got back to their small room within the castle, to get yet another knock on the door. Regardless to privacy the guard swung open the door and said "The king requires your presence...again," He then added "But Merlin need not come this time." To which he calmlly marched back to his post outside the throne room. "Im too old for this." Grumbled Guais. Merlin tried to hide a smile under his face until he had left the room. At which Merlin let out a small laugh.

Sudenlly Merlin rememberd that of what the dragon had spoke to him.Merlin pounderd over the subject, was it morgana? Or is it of this new found threat with the wounded knights. He was the sudenlly interupted by Gaius who was followed by Arthur and a flock of injured knights. "What happend to them?" Merlin said in shock. "Ambush" Gaius and Arthur said in synchronisation. Quicklly Merlin made some room on the desks and anywhere else possible to house the injured men. "Will they be ok?" Arthur gentlly enquired. "They should hopefully make a full recovery within the week" Gaius announced. Arthur hasteily replied "Isn't there anything we can do to speed their recovery?" These men are all part of my strongest men! And Sedrid's army will arrive here by dawn tomorow!" "Im sorry my king but I am doing everything I can!" Gaius sternlly said. "Sorry Gaius," Arthur solemlly added "I understand your position but without these men...I don't know." To which Gaius tried to make Arthur less edgey. "Prehaps you should retire to your chambers for a while, im sure Merlin would help with anything you need" Merlin slowlly retraced what Gaius had just said and sudenlly understood what Gaius has done. Merlin gave him an angry gaze as Arthur agreed that it was a good idea, besides, what does Arthur enjoy more than bossing around Merlin?

"Merlin!" yelled Arthur. Startled, Merlin ran over fearing for the worst. "Look at this!" demanded Arthur as he showed Merlin his armor. "What about it?" Merlin (Who was still quite jumpy) replied, "Look at it!" said Arthur, now gesturing at a small dent which was embeded from a decent blow from a sword. "Oh!" said Merlin cautiouslly, "Ill see to it that it's fixed now" "You have to be one of the most careless man-servants i've ever known!" said Arthur jokeinglly. But sadlly Merlin was relluctant to beleive he was kidding, so Merlin drained of insaults or mere repllys stormed out of Arthurs chambers and went down to the lower town to get the armor fixed

Gaius still worried for what was to come was now set preparing his potions to the best that he could. Quietlly Gwen creeped into his chamber and softlly greeted him. Gaius swiftlly turned and said "Ah! Hello Gwen, could you do me a favour and help me prepare my things, I fear the worst for camelot and I need to be ready..." To which Gwen obliged and helped the old man gather his things. Eventually they both hurried to the main hall to set up to house the injured.

Meanwhile Merlin had now retreived the perfectlly repaird armor and now dashed back to the castle, on his way yet again his thoughts raced between the dragon and what Arthur and Gaius had mentioned. Maybe the two were linked? Merlin now decided not too panic and worry about these two matters for now, for he had much to do. Arthur was now studying A map of camelots territories when quicklly and out of breath Merlin stumbeld in. "My god Merlin!" Arthur enquired "It looks like you did a lap around the castle walls! What happend?" "I ran" Merlin simplly replied amist gasping for air. "Atleast my armor is in suitable condition now..." said Arthur mockinglly, he now returned to studying his map. "What's that" Blurted Merlin. For once Arthur did not mock merlin of his idiocy and began to explain. "Father wants me to send some of the knights to go scout out Sedrids army and see how many and how long it will be 'till they arrive." Merlin evaluated the plan and agreed it was a good idea.

Merlin stood by the door for some time studying the prince until he eventually said "Merlin...why aren't you packing?" Merlin quicklly understood the command. "Why are we packing?" Merlin asked. "Oh I don't know" Said Arthur "Prehaps a picnic" Now in a more mocking tone. Merlin picked up on this and followed what would be more likelly to happen."You're not going to go see for yourself are you?"."Of cource not!" Laughed Arthur "You're comeing too!". To which Merlin pulled one of his most confused faces, but decided to best not question him. So he gave a respectfull nod and ran of down the hall to his chambers. Arthur let out a small sigh under his breath.

Merlin - BBC Series Extra Script (My Own Ideas)Where stories live. Discover now