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They met at an art gallery. It was a tuesday afternoon, unusual sunny, making the light shine onto the wonderful pieces. Both were standing in front of a picture, where you couldn't quite see the difference whether it were blurred lines or not, and that made it special. Always one to voice her thoughts, she told him: "You're standing too close. If you stand this close, you'll only get one effect. You have to put some distance between you and the picture, and then it's better."
He turned to her, a smile playing on his lips. And wow, even if it was little, it was one of the most breathtaking smiles she ever saw.
"And I got this advice from...?"
"I don't tell strangers my name," was her answer.
"My name's Harry Styles," he told her after that.
"Regina Phalange," she said immediatly.
He looked at her with amusement. "Are you sure this is your real name?"
And when she took a more precise look at his face, she recognized the boy from her sisters posters.
"Oh, you're actually Harry Styles. I thought we were doing the not real name thing.  No, that's not my name. I'm Emma Walter.
"Well, then Emma Walter. I'll take a few steps back to take a proper look at it. If you'd like, you could come along on this adventure."
So she followed him and it was pretty easy after that. He told her where he'd be next and she told him about new artist she had found out about and they met only at gallerys. It was exciting for both of them. Not knowing whether the other would come so they could plan the next meeting or not.


Ok, so I don't know what to think about this. It kinda popped up in my head and I had to write it down.

So, since this is my first fanfic EVER, I hope you don't expect much. First of all, I'm not an english native speaker( oh how I wish I was).
Second, I suck at plots. I can't think of the perfect plot ever and I'll never understand how these great writers do it. So this will probably be some cheesy, we don't have a care in the world, romantic something because I wanted to try to write and yeah. SO, if you want a perfect plot whatsoever, don't read this.

And last, I don't know how often I'll update. 'Cos I'm lazy as fuck, but I'll try to do it at least once a week (?)

yeah ok, anyway

thanks for reading :) (I don't mind votes and comments, even the please don't go on writing this because you suck kinda ones, just be honest please :)  )


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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