Fame Less than Infamy

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A/N: Hello all, and welcome to the new and improved version of ‘Fame Less Than Infamy’, in all its glory. It makes much more sense now, so I am happy to keep it like this for now. Hopefully, you feel the same way, too.

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note, nor the inspiration for this story, but I’m very sure I own this particular story. I don't own the title either: That's Fall Out Boy's property. Whether or not they are pleased with this is something for them to claim if they at all care.

All that's left to say, I suppose is, ‘Sit back and enjoy this Ruin Lee Oxford fic’.

So thanks again, please R&R, and please enjoy.

Fame Less Than Infamy

Long Live Notoriety

The remarkable details of the King of the East’s last public appearance in America’s Queen of the West.

By Miss B Bridesmaid

(Dated 07/29/04)

Yesterday, on the 28th June, at Chicago’s Congress Plaza Hotel, an unforgettable event transpired, a real one for the text books. I should know – I was there. I was approved of by the great detective L himself to follow and serve every scoop of the Kira case (as it happens) to you my dear reader, ever since Kira’s first Crime Time rag back in December. To keep myself alive for the next big scoop, I used a nom-de-plume, an heirloom from my late journalist uncle – an LABB victim who would’ve taken this case like it was Birthday and Christmas in one big package, had he not become a victim in that similarly spectacular case (the perpetrator of which becoming yet another Kira victim in January, earlier this year).

And yet, thanks to yesterday’s events, I can reveal to you that every soul is now safe, even the dark ones of the Criminals and Journalists that litter this world.

And so, as history was being made in Conference Room 1, the long table set for our five guests, I sat in the audience, waiting for that main attraction that was set to appear from the back door behind the panel. The panel was set out to ensure absolutely no physical contact with the Journalists, Camera Men, and other like-minded representatives all out to see that one god-on-Earth that had caused all the hassle since December onward, a hassle that had only ended two months previously due to Kira’s capture.

At the finality of the stoke of 11AM, the large back door opened, and our huge crowd bustled with excitement as the youngest and the oldest of the Japanese Kira Task Force entered first, decked out in suits, and sat down at the panel behind bronze place markers, marked respectively as ‘Chief Detective Soichiro YAGAMI’ and ‘Detective Touta MATSUDA’. They were former members now, the Task Force being closed since Kira’s arrest.

Next, two more suited ex-Task Force members made their entrance, both of them middle-aged and noticeably taller, and stood at either side of the door, holding it open as the fifth interviewee emerged, ducking his head slightly to move under the door frame.

Swathed in a huge black hooded cloak, with shoulders the width of a football player’s, and a long black cane in a black-gloved hand, he was reminiscent of the Grim Reaper himself, considering he’d been placing His place for little under a year. The hood, which fell forward and showed nothing but the shadow of a face, swayed gently as he walked slowly forward in measured footsteps, seeming to take in the glory of his first public appearance while he could. His presence was powerful, intimidating when coupled with his huge 6’1’’ height, standing between the tall men on either side of him, each with a hand on his shoulders during the whole of the walk to the place set with a significantly larger plaque than the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2011 ⏰

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