06 Introduction

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*****Nat's pov*****

As soon as I walked out of the playroom I heard to doorbell ring. I walked to it and saw a woman with dark hair and she was about 5'8. "Hi I'm Alice and I am considering adopting. I am 32, single, and looking for a baby boy. I don't care how old he is in real life, but I would like him to be 3-6 years of age?" Perfect we have 4 boys that are that age. "I have four boys 2 brunettes, a blonde, and a red head." "May I look at your brunettes please?" "Sure!" By now people had started to wander in through the front door. "Hey everyone" I said " we have a one way glass window in the toy room with the kids. If everyone could follow me we have descriptions of each child posted. As soon as I said that Tate came running down the hall, completely clothed now but shouting "MOMMY!!!! DADDY PLAYED WITH MY WEEWEE AND SAID I WAS A GOOD BOY!" As soon as he saw about 20 people standing in the entry way he froze and started to get flushed as a tear fell down his face. "Hey now buddy, it's ok. Everyone here is supper nice and I'm sure they can forget you said that. Maybe if we weren't shouting in the house this wouldn't have happened yea?" I quickly and quietly said. "Mmmhhm" he muffled into my shoulder. "Go to the living room and have a quick calm down ok?" "okie"
Just as everyone started to look through the littles profiles I saw my brother Max with another very handsome man.

****Emmett's pov****

Max had texted me the address and told me to meet him at the nursery. I have been to many of these things before but only found littles for my clients. I could never find my baby girl. Today I made sure to drive my 4 door Bentley with a small Cinderella car seat in the back just in case. When I pulled up I saw Max get out of his truck with a small diaper bag filled with everything a baby would need in pinks and purples. "You can never be too prepared" he said with a slight country accent. I chuckled as I followed his straight in to an empty entry way. "Are we early? No one is here..." I asked "No man we are indeed late...." I started to become nervous at the thought that someone could have already adopted my baby girl. We made a few turns and soon I saw about 20 people looking at profiles posted to the wall. Lots of men were focused on one in particular. All of a sudden Max dragged me to this blonde girl sitting behind a desk. "Hey party girl how are you. How is Tate? I haven't seen yall in forever!" Max started to ramble.
"Hi I don't believe we have met but it is an honor to meet you! I am Natalie, Maxwell's older sister. This is my home." The blonde named Natalie started to talk to me. "Nice to meet you too! I'm looking for a baby girl today. I want her to be 0-3years old and about 80-120 lbs. At most I would want her to be 5'6."
"You sure do know what you want!i have two girls you can look at a 2yr old and a 3 yr old.We will start with our 3yr old who isn't being interviewed right now."
Ok, this could be it. I could be meeting my baby. We walked into a door so I was on the other side of the glass with the kids and Natalie. From this side the glass was a giant picture of Natalie's family. "We hid it so the littles won't act fake" Natalie quietly says to me. We make our way over to a kids kitchen area and see a little girl with long red locks of hair. "Hi sir! My name is Ana!" The girl squealed. She was probably 120 and 5'4, so in my limits but I don't feel as if she is the one. I don't want to seem rude or hurt her feelings so I make small talk with her. "So what do you like too-" I feel a small impact at my legs. When I look down there is a small boney little girl clung to my leg crying that she doesn't want to go. When I look up a man probably in his 50's is approaching trying to coax her back out. Natalie comes running through the door... "Briar it's ok baby! He won't hurt you. Sir please leave the room.." The man grumbled but agreed to leave. "Hey little one come here" I said as I slowly reached down to pick her up off the ground. "What's your name cupcake?" I quietly asked her. "M'num s Byer"she hummed as she played with my large hand. "huh? I can't hear when princesses don't speak up!" "I'm nah just any pwicess! I pwincess Briar!" She giggled and clapped. "Well princess Briar, I hate to break it to ya but I think it's time for a diaper change!" I poked her squishy bottom under her tutu. She couldn't be more than 100 pounds and was probably 5' ft. "Nuuuuuuuu" she started to cry and kick. "Hey hey hey! None of that, what's wrong use your words." "I don't want to leave you." The second the words rolled off of her tongue I knew I was already mesmerized by this little girl.

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