Jared's first day of Kindergarten

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// 5&6 //

It was oddly quiet in the Leto household this morning.

Shannon was getting ready for his first day back at school, he was a first grader this year. He got to play in the big playground with the swings, monkey bars and big climbing frame. Needless to say the 6 year old was excited to be going back to school as a first grader.

His younger brother however wasn't so excited to be starting school. Jared was struggling with the buttons on his shirt and after refusing help 3 times he had finally buttoned himself up into his shirt properly.

Both boys rushed downstairs to pick what cereal they wanted to eat today. Shannon picked lucky charms and so that's also what Jared picked.

"I'm real excited Momma, I get a brand new teacher this year." Shannon talked quickly, whilst shoveling cereal into his mouth.

Jared just focused on eating his cereal, he was scared to go to his first day of school ever. What if his teacher was mean to him? What if the other kids didn't like him? He wanted to stay with his mother and big brother.

"Shannon swallow your food before you talk." Constance scolded but a smile was upon her face hearing her eldest talk excitedly about school. However that smile disappeared as soon as she realised her youngest was so much quieter than usual.

"Jay? What's wrong sweetie? You're being quiet this morning." She asked looking to the 5 year old boy.

Shannon quickly turned his head to look at his little brother, a look of worry spreading across his face when he realised Jared had been pretty quiet.

The young boy looked down at his cereal fiddling with his spoon, feeling pretty silly. His mother instantly knew what was wrong.

"Jay its okay to be scared about your first day." She spoke, kneeling to take the boy into a comforting hug.

"Yeah Baby Jay, but when you get there your teacher will be super nice. You have my old one, she reads stories and sings songs. It'll be fun I promise." Shannon spoke trying to reassure his scared little brother.


Constance walked both her boys up to the school gates, she waved Shannon goodbye first. Jared gave his big brother a squeeze like hug.

"Have fun Baby Jay." Shannon spoke as he started walking away.

"Okay Shan Shan." Jared mumbled in response.

His hand hooked into his mother's as soon as she walked him towards his new classroom and teacher.

"Hello Constance and... who's this?" The blonde teacher with red horn rimmed glasses asked, her red lipstick lined lips pulled into a friendly smile.

"This is Jared, say hello Jared." Constance spoke softly.

"Hello Jared." Jared mumbled quietly trying to hide behind his mother's long flowing skirt.

"Hello sweetheart, I'm Mrs Arnott. I taught your big brother last year." She smiled opening the classroom door for the two.

Jared's jaw just about hit the floor, the classroom was brightly coloured and looked pretty. He looked around and saw a picture of an apple tree with empty velcro stickers on it. Beside it were little labels and one had his name written on it.

"Do you want to go inside sweetheart?" Constance asked looking to her nervous son.

Jared nodded stepping into the classroom, his mother took him to find his cubby and hang up his coat. Then she had to leave and Jared felt pretty anxious about her having to go.

"Okay boys and girls, My name is Mrs Arnott but what's all of your names? We're going to play a little game. Everyone try and sit in a circle for me?" Mrs Arnott instructed.

Jared did as he was told, finding himself sitting next to a girl with two brunette plaits and a boy with messy black hair.

"Okay, I'm going to pass around this teddy bear and when you're holding the teddy you have to say your name and something that you like to do." Mrs Arnott explained.

Jared took note of that watching and listening as his classmates had their turns. The teddy got to the black haired boy beside him and Jared listened intently.

"My name is Rhys and I like watching cartoons on TV." Rhys spoke passing the bear to Jared.

"Um, my name is Jared and I like a lot of stuff but I like playing pretend with my brother the best." Jared spoke thinking about his imaginary games with Shannon.

Jared passed the bear along to the girl beside him and the game continued. Pretty quickly that game was over.

"Okay everyone, I put your names on one table this morning. Find your name and pick a seat at that table." Mrs Arnott.

Jared got up looking for his name, he was sat beside a girl named Ashleigh and a boy named Alan. His table had a picture of a white rabbit on it.


The rest of the day went pretty smoothly, Jared had painted a picture of him and Shannon in the ocean. He was pretty excited to show that to his mother and Shannon. He'd even made friends with Alan and Rhys. They'd played tag at recess since they weren't allowed to play in the big playground just yet.

Jared had put on his coat and was patiently waiting for his Momma to come and get him. When he saw Shannon running towards him he smiled holding open his arms to hug his big brother.

"Hi Shanny! Look I painted a picture. It's me and you see." He pointed to the two oddly shaped people.

"That's great Jay I really like it." Shannon smiled warmly.

His mother lifted him up off his feet.

"How was your first day angel?" She asked, holding out one hand for Shannon to grab ahold of as she started walking with the two boys back towards home.

"It was fun Momma, we played games and painted! I painted a picture of me and Shannon look see." He smiled showing her his picture.

"Well Jared, I'll have to put that up on the fridge when we get home." Constance smiled.

"Can I go back tomorrow?" Jared asked hopefully.

Shannon giggled and Constance laughed as well.

"Sure you can Jay, sure you can."

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