the chossing ceremony

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Yo I'm (Y/f/n) a duntless born girl and soon a full member. It's time for the ceremony so my family and I are nuking off the train to get there. We are currently at the place and my name will be called soon. I was called and walked up cut my hand and put it over the coles. The new duntless member are about to get on the train. I saw a girl in gray from abnegation trying to get on.
"Come on grab my hand!" I encouraged. She did and I pulled her on.
"Hi I'm (y/n)." I introduced myself.
"Tris." she replied. Another girl from candor said her name was Christina. I told them to crouch down or get thrown in the train. It was time to jump off and I did a flip. We saw a blond guy named Eric one of our leaders..
"He cute." I said to Christina. He said someone had to jump off the leage to get in so I did. But I winked at him first and jumped.

Hope you like it. ~Jinx

The Dauntless DaredevilDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora