The coffee date!

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I had got in my car and was looking up the airport in Google maps but before I hit search I see Dan leaving the coffee shop and. He walks past your car and notices its you. You roll your window down as you noticed he's walking back. Hi, look this is kinda a little toward but do you happen to want to get coffee I'm tomorrow morning with me? Oh, surs I'd love too. He smiles really hard and I can see his bright white teeth. I'm blushing now. He taps the good of the car and starts walking backwards. So I'll see you tomorrow, nearly tripping over a rock in the pavement. 


I'm at the airport now and I just got my ticket and then I remembered that I have coffee with Dan tomorrow morning. Maybe we could get coffee and he could come with me to get my things....I'm just getting home and I walk into my apartment building and I see him sitting outside his door listening to music. I walk over to him and sit next to him and he notices and pulls his earbuds and say hi. I look at his face an then.I ask would you like to come with me to get my things. I can buy you an plane ticket. He looks at with joy and says yes I love to and he kisses me. We pull apart and we are both blushing really hard. He says sorry and I just turn his face towards mine and I kiss him. You can tell you both have feelings for each other.Although you've only known each other for two days. He says hey would you like to get coffee now and tomorrow morning. I nod. We both get up and walk down to the coffee shop. He's gets a frapichino swirl (is that's even a real thing??). I get the strawberry frapichino and we exit the shop and we head down to the park at the end of the street and sit on a bench and talk about why I moved here. Which was being I'm 20 and I shouldn't be living with my parents. He says 'oh sounds nice now that your on you own.' Yah I mean me and my ex got into this huge fight before I came here and I told him I couldn't be with him anymore and then that's when I called my bestfriend (f/n) and she told me about how she has just loved out of her old apartment and she wanted me to look at it. I liked it and decided to stay? We start breaking if into different conversation braces here and there. It's about nine p.m and I say well out flight is at three pm. Ok i miss him goodnight and then I walk in my aperture and remember I have nothing in my apartment.  He looks asset new questioning. Oh I'm ok. I just rememberd that I have an empty apartment.  Huge says oh well your alone to crash here.  I said thanks. I walled over to him and walk through his door. It's pretty cold. I sit on his bed and ask where can I sleep. He says in my bed with me or.... I cut him off before he finishes I'll sleep with you! He says ok and I tell him I'm going to take a shower and he says down the hallway wet door to the right.

I get out of the shower in a towell and he said he has so clothes I can where. I put on clothes and curl up in bed with him. He wraps his arm around me and suddenly I don't feel so alone anymore. We both drift on into sleep.

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