Things that have been hurt; Are mended

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"Is that everyone?"

"There's still Rin." Kagome chimed in.

"Lead me to her."

"This way Inuyasha said walking to Kaede's hut and pointing inside.

They went in, to see Rin frozen sorting herbs. The creature touched her on the shoulder. She blinked, looking around spotting Kagome.

"Kagome san? What happened?"

"There was a problem but it's all fixed now."

"Oh. Where's Sesshomarusama?"

"He's out looking for Kaede. I'm sure he'll be back to check on you soon."

"Ok. I'll wait here for Sesshomarusama."

Kagome nodded.

"There are a few in the Tokyo Mew Mew world." Alalia said.

"Ok then. I will meet you there." The creature said then turned to the Doctor. "I know you Timelords cannot travel freely between worlds anymore. I will create a wormhole for you to follow in your TARDIS."

"Alright." The Doctor said. "Wait! Unfreeze Rose please." He finished in a quieter voice. "I need her."

"Very well."

The Doctor leads everyone to the TARDIS and unlocks holding the door. Everyone except Kisshu, Pai and Taruto gasp. Even Zira and Alalia gasp, though they know how impressive it is they still can't believe they get to see it in real life. The creature walks up to Rose and touches her. The Doctor runs to her, wrapping an arm around her, wanting to be the first person she sees. Rose blinks, then looks at the Doctor. He grins his brown eyes meeting her hazel. "Hello Rose Tyler. I missed you."

She smiles at him. He squeezes her hand then lets her go.

"Thanks Doctor." She said

"You are quite welcome Rose Tyler, but you need to thank everyone else as well. Especially that creature."

Rose turns to the creature smiling at it. "Thank you."

"It is no problem. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused."

"It's alright." Rose said.

The creature just nods.

"Alright all we need to do is go back to the Tokyo Mew Mew World and unfreeze the mews right?"

"Don't forget Zelda." Link added.

"Right." Alalia agreed.

The Doctor turns to look at the creature. "Can you open a wormhole to the Tokyo Mew Mew world? I'll follow you in the TARDIS."

"Yes." The creature replied.

"Brilliant." The Doctor said, opening the TARDIS doors and the creature went out then created the wormhole.

The Doctor closes the doors and pilots the TARDIS through. After a little bit, the TARDIS lands in the Tokyo Mew Mew world with a bump.

"Look like we're here." Alalia said.

'Yep." Zira answered, then she turned to Kisshu. "Why don't you, Pai and Taruto do the honors?"

Alalia nodded in agreement.

Zira, Alalia and the Four WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now